336 Assembly Proceedings, October 1671.
P. R. O.
Colonial En-
try Book
No. 53
pressed But if the Servant be not Brought nor good Reason
given why he was not brought within the said Terme That
then the said Servant to serve but five yeares And if any Mas-
ter Mistris Dame Assignee Trustee or Servant aforesaid shall
be agrieved with the determinacon of the court he or she shall
within the time determined for their Service produce an Au-
thentique certeficat of such Servants Age and shall have Re-
medy according to the Ages afore mentioned And see it fur-
ther enacted by the Authority aforesaid that noe Indenture
made by any servant during their Time of Service due by
former Indenture or by Determinacon of the Court according
to the Tenure of this Act shall any waies obliege any Servant
for longer time then by his or her first Indenture or Determina-
con of the Court shal be Limited or Appointed. Provided that
this Act nor anything therein contained shall not give nor be
construed to give any benefit to any slave whatsoever And
be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all former
Acts or Lawes made Limitting Servants times are and be here-
by Repealed.
An Act for the Reviving of certaine Lawes
within this Province.
For as much as many good and wholsome Lawes have form-
erly bene made in this Province which being Temporary will
of themselves Expire if not Renewed and continued by this
Present Assembly Bee it Enacted by the Right Honoble Lord
Proprytry of this Province by and with the advice and consent
of the upper and Lower houses of this Present Generall As-
sembly That An act made at a Generall Assembly of this Pro-
vince beginning XXVIIth day of Aprill 1658 Intituled an Act
concerning the sayle of Tobacco hhgs. One other act made at
the same Assembly Intituled an Act prohibiting ground Leaves
and seconds One other Act made at the same Assembly Intituled
an Act concerning a Register of Births Marriages and Burialls
One other Act made at an Assembly held at St Iohns the
Seavententh Day of Aprill 1661 Intituled an Act for the ap-
pointing Certaine Officers, one other Act made at the same
Assembly Intituled an Act for Military Discipline one other Act
made at the same Assembly Intituled an Act concerning the
Height of Fences one other Act made at the same Assembly
Intituled an Act for the conveyance of all Lettr concerning the
state and Publique Affaires One other Act made at a generall
Assembly held at St Maries the first of Aprill 1662 In-
tituled an Act concerning those Servants that have Bastards,
one other Act made at the same Assembly Intituled an Act