Assembly Proceedings, October 1671. 331
and may from henceforth be adjudged Reputed and taken as
a natureall borne person within this Prouince of Maryland and
alsoe that he shall and may from henceforth by the same Au-
thority be Enabled and adjudged to all intents and purposes
able to demand Challenge aske have hold & Enjoy any Lands
Tenements Hereditaments & Rents within this Prouince as
Heire or Heires to any of his Ancestors by Reason of any dis-
cent fee simple ffee taile Generall or speciall or Remainder
vpon any Estate Tayle or come to him by any discent in fee
simple fee tayle Generall or speciall or Remainder vpon any
Estate Tayle as aforesaid or by any other Lawfull Conveyance
or Conveyances or meanes whatsoeuer as if he had been borne
within this Prouince or were of Brittish or Irish discent as
aforesaid And alsoe that he from henceforth may and shall be
Enabled to prosecute maintaine & avow Justify & defend all
manner of accons suites plaints and other demands whatsoever
as Liberally franckly freely fully Lawfully and securely as if he
had been Natureally borne within this Prouince of Maryland or
were of Brittish or Irish discent and as any other person or
persons Natureally borne within this Prouince or of Brittish
or Irish discent may any waies Lawfully doe any Lawe Pro-
visoe Act or Custome of this Prouince or other thing whatso-
ever had made ordeined and done within this Prouince to the
Contrary thereof in any wise Notwithstanding.
p. 72
To the Right Honble the Lord & Proprietary of the
Prouince of Maryland & Avalon Lord Baron of
Baltemore &ca.
The humble peticon of Hans Hanson Cornelius Comegys
the Elder Millementy Comegys his wife Cornelius Comegys
the younger Elizabeth Comegys William Comegys & Hannah
Comegys their Children—
Humbly sheweth—
Vnto your Lordship That your peticoner Hans Hansun was
borne in Delaware Bay of Swedish parents Your peticoner
Cornelius Comegys the Elder borne in Lexmont belonging to
the States of Holland your Peticoner Millementy Comegys in
Barnevelt vnder the Dominion of the said states your Peticoner
Cornelius Comegys the younger borne in Virginea & your
Peticoners Elizabeth William & Hannah borne within this Pro-
uince And your Peticoners Hans Hanson Cornelius Comegys
the Elder and his wife and the said Cornelius their Sonne being
now Removed into this Prouince haue for long time therein In-
habitted being.Invited to come & dwell within this Prouince by
and vppon Confidence of your Lordships Declaracon of the