The House met again Present as in the Morning And —
Adjourned till to morrow morning nine of the
Friday the 20th October
The House met Present The Rt honble the Governour The
honble the Chancellour Baker Brooke Samuel Chew & Major
The Lower House Sent their Votes to this house by Majr
Brookes Viz.
19th October 1671
This House Vote that upon the View of any Stillyards before
any officer appointed by the Act for the marking of Stillyards
that if the Stillyards weigh either heavyer or lighter than the
Standard 4lb in the hhd which is to be understood in 400lb
Weight that they shall pass & in all less Stillyards one in the
100 And that the Upper House's Concurrence be desired to
this Vote And that this Vote may remain as a Rule to those
that have the Custody of the Stillyards
Signed &ca
This House Vote further that because this House doth not
take Care if any person do remove to live out of the Country
that the County Court shall have power to depute another
Signed &c.