fide Exceed the Value of six hundred pounds of Tobacco.
Therefore It is ordered that the Consideration thereof be trans-
mitted to the Upper House for their Concurrence therein &
they be desired to make return to this House of their result
Signed by order of the House
Rob! Ridgley Clk of the Lor Hoe of Ass.
Upon debate whereof this House do not think fit to Concur
with the Lower house in prohibitting Appeals from the County
Court to the Provincial Court in any action whatsoever
This House then received the following Votes from the
Lower house in these Words Vizt
14th October 1671
It was debated in this House whither It was necessary for a
Ferry to be kept over Patuxent River Yea or no?
Resolved in the Affirmative & at the Charge of the said
County and at such place where the said County shall think fit
It was further Voted that all Persons living out of the pre-
cincts of the said County shall pay to the man that keepeth the
said ferry sixpence Sterling for every Footman that is so trans-
ported over the said River & one Shilling Sterling for every
Horse & man that is transported over the said River
Ordered that these two votes be Sent to the Upper House
for their Consideration and Concurrence & that they be here-
by desired to return their speedy answer
Signed by order of the House
Robt Ridgley Clk of the Lowr Hoe of Ass
Whereupon this House Concur with the Lower house in the
votes concerning a Ferry over Patuxent