Saturday the 21st April 1666
At nine of the Clock in the Morning the House met
Present as before
To the Message in Writing from the
Lower House dated 16th of April 1666.
The Upper House are desired to record this Proposal &
advice in their Journall & that the Lieuten? General do therein
as is requested
Wm Bretton Clk.
Upon the Petition of Capt Jas Neale for naturalization for
himself & Children was Written
Let this be sent to the Lower House for
their Consents J: G:
To which was answered
The Lower House without any further Consideration do
willingly comply that the Petitioners prayers may be Granted
Wm Bretton Clk.
Then was presented the Petition of John Law son high
Sherriff of St Mary's County viz.
To the honourable the Lieutenant General
& Upper & Lower Houses of Assembly
The humble Petition of John Lawson
Sheweth — That your Petitioner was Commanded to imprison
Jacob the Negro & to Execute him as likewise to Execute the
two Indians with Grave-making Your Petitioner was out a
good Quantity of Tobo humbly prays satisfaction for his sd
Service & Expences as your Honours shall think fit
And he shall pray
Let this Petition be referred to the Consideration of the
Lower House J: G:
Then came a Messenger from the Lower House with their
Order to the said Petition & Laws Viz. The Lower House
have thought fit to allow John Lawson Sherriff upon his Peti-
tion & Account, one thousand sixty & five pounds of tobo
out of the publick Levy
Wm Bretton Clk.
The Upper House have Assented
John Gittings Clk.