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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 306   View pdf image
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306 Assembly Proceedings, March — April 1671.

P. R. O.

Colonial En-
try Book
No, 53

ciall Court of this Province or before Two of the Privy Councill
of this Province or in the Court of the Same County or before
Two of the Iustices of the Peace of the Same County where the
Same Mannors Lorpps Lands Tenemts & Hereditamts doe Lye
And be Enrolled or the Substance of the Same (that is to Say)
the Certaine dates and the Names Surnames and Adycons of
the Parties therevnto with the Certaine Consideracons for which
the Same are made And the Certainty of the prmisses and of
the Estate and Estates thereby intended to pass be Enrolled in
the Provinciall Court of this Province or in the County Cort.
where the Land doth Lye the Same Enrollm! to be made with
in Six months next after the date of the Same writings in-
dented ffor the Capcon of which Said Acknowledging there
Shal be paid to the Parties taking the Same the Sume of Twelve
pence sterling and no more and for which Said Enrollmt And
for which Said Enrollm! there Shal be paid to the Clerke of
the Said Provinciall Court or County Court in Case the Same
doe not Exceed halfe a side of A ffolio Leafe in the Record
Booke where the Same Shal be Enrolled the Sume of Eight
pence only And if the Same doe Exceede halfe of a Syde of Such
ffolio Leafe then the Sume of Sixteene pence and Soe after the
Rate of Sixteene pence for Every Side of Such folio Leafe which
Such Enrollment shall take vpp And that the Said Clerke of the
Said Court Shall well and Sufficiently Enroll the Same with Anote
of the day whereon the Same shall be Enrolled in A good & Suffi-
cient folio Booke to remaine in the Custody of the Clerke of
the Same Court for the Time being amongst the Records of
the Same Court To the Intent that Every pty that hath to doe
therewith may Resort vnto and See the Same Enrollmt And
that the Same Clerke shall on the Back of Every Such deed in
A ffull Legible Text hand make a Indorsemt of the day and
yeare of Such Enrollment And also of the ffolio of the Booke
in which the Same Shall be Soe Enrolled and shall vnto Such
Endorsmt Sett his hand
Provided alwaies and it is hereby ffurther Enacted by the
Authority aforesaid by and with the advice and consent afore-
said that where the grantor or grantors Bargainors or Bargainers
of any Such Mannors Lorpps Lands Temerits or Hereditamts
Shall happen to be out of this Province And within any the
dominions of his Maiestie the King of England att the Time
of the Ensealing of Such writing or writings Indented Soe that
the Same cannot be Acknowledged in manner and fforme as
is before directed or Enrolled within the Time for that purpose
herein before Lymitted That in Every Such Case the Ac-
knowledgmt of Such writing or writings before the Cheife
Governor or Cheife Governors of any of his Said Maiesties
Plantacons or before the mayor or Cheife Magistrate of any

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 306   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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