By the Leuitennt Generall
Whereas I am informed that some mistake is risen among
many concerning the meeting of the Assembly in Septembr and
that whereas the Assembly was adjourn'd by mee untill the
second twesday of Septembr 1 664 which is the 13th day of that
month many doe conceiue it to bee the first twesday thereof I
haue thought fitt hereby to giue notice to the Burgesses of the
Assembly, and all others whome it may Concerne that it is the
second Twesday of Septembr that the Assembly was adjourn'd
to, and that then they are to meet And I doe hereby further
require all Sherriffs of each respectiue County to giue speedy
notice hereof to theire respectiue Burgesses, and hereof not to
faile as they will answere the Contrary att theire perill Giuen
att st Marys undr my hand this 16th of August 1664 —
Signed Charles Caluert,
Lib. H H
p. 211