Tenth day of October in any yeare as aforesaid the moneys or
Tobacco Recovered by the Iudgmts aforesaid which Said
Security or Cautions Soe taken as aforesaid shall be from
Time to Time Entred and put vpon Record with the Severall
and Respective Clks of the Provinciall Court or County Cors
Clks before whose Justice or Justices or Com- the Same were
taken and A Certificate thereof vndr the hand of the Clerke
of the Provinciall Court and vndr the hands of the Said County
Clerkes and County Seales (for which Certificate there shal be
paid the ffee of ffive pounds of Tobacco and noe more) Shal
be a Sufficient Supsedeas to any the Sherriffes of the Severall
and Respective Counties within this Province when to Such
Sheriffes delivered to Stay and debarr him or them from Exe-
cuting of any Execucons issued out in the Times aforesaid
Any Law Custome or vsage heretofore had made or done
within this Province to the Contrarie hereof in any wise Not-
withstanding But in default of putting in Such Caution or
Security & obteyning Such Certificate to the Sheriffe as afore-
said by the Tenth day of Aprill aforesaid Eexecucon may and
shall issue and be Executed any thing in this Act to the Con-
trarie Notwithstanding This Act to endure for Three yeares
or to the' End of the next Generall Assembly which shall ffirst
An Act for the Reviving of Certaine Lawes within this
fforasmuch as many good and wholsome Lawes have fform-
erly beene made in this Province which being Temporary will
of themselves Expire if not Renewed and Continued by this
prsent Assembly Bee it Enacted by the Right Honoble the
Lord Proprietary of this Province by and wth the Advise and
Consent of the vpper and Lower howse of this prent Gen-
Assembly That an Act made att a Gen- Assembly of this Pro-
vince begun the Seaven and Twentyth day of Aprill 1658 In-
tituled an Act concerning the gage of Tobacco hogshds One
other Act made att the Same Assembly Intituled an Act Pro-
hibiting ground Leaves and Seconds One other Act att the
Same Assembly Intituled an Act for the killing of wolves One
other Act made att the Same Assembly Intituled an Act Con-
cerning a Register of Births Marriages and Burialls One other
Act made att an Assembly held att St Iohns the Seavententh
day of Aprill 1661 Intituled an Act for the Appointing of Cer-
taine officers One other Act made att the Same Assembly In-
tituled an Act for Military Dicipline One other Act made att
the Same Assembly Intituled an Act Concerning the Height