P. R. O.
Colonial En-
try Book
No. 53
An Act for the Advancement
of fforreigne Coynes
fforasmuch as Tobacco is the only comoditie of this Province
which is att So Low a Rate that noe Manufactures handicrafts
or Tradesmen in which Consists the welfare of all fflowrishing
Countries Cannot Subsist without the help Conveniences and
assistance of Ready mony Wherefore for Encouragmt to those
that shall bring monys into this Province as for all manufactures
Handycrafts and other Tradsmen that is already or here after
Shal be Imported into this Province As also for the Ease
Benefitt and Advantage of other the Inhabitants of this Pro-
vince in dealing Trafficking or Trading for inconsiderable
Parcells of goods for which payment cannot Soe well be made
in Tobacco. Bee it Therefore Enacted and it is hereby
Enacted by the Right Honoble the Lord Proprietary by and
with the Advise and Consent of the vpper and Lower howses
of this Present Generall Assembly And by the Authority of the
Same That all Coynes (except the Coynes of his Royall Maiestie
the King of great Brittayne) hereafter named shall be Ad-
vanced Taken and Recd by all Persons for the ffull value in
mony sterling as they by this Act are Enioyned (That is to say)
That Every shilling of his Lorrpps the Lord Proprietary shal
be deemed to pass for Twelve pence sterling and Every six
penny peece for Six pence sterling Every New England shilling