authority of the same That your Lordships humble Peticoners
Alexander Dhyniossa and Margryta his wife, Alexander, Iohan-
nes, Peter, Maria, Ioanna, Christiana, and Barbara Sonns and
daughters of the said Alexander & Margaretta Mathew Cart-
wright Thomas Turner Mathias Peterson and Peter his Sonne
Iacob Claus de Young Hans Iacob De Ringe Ruttgertson
Garretts Ilohn Lederer Iohn Ellexon Peter Mills Marke Cordea
Nicholas Fountaine Anthony De Mouderer & Andrew Toulson
and every of them shall from henceforth be adjudged Reputed
and taken as Natureall borne people within this Prouince of
Maryland And alsoe that they and every of them shall and may
from henceforth by the same Authority be Enabled and ad-
judged to all intents and Purposes able to demand Challenge
aske haue hold and Enjoy any lands Tenements Hereditaments
and Rents within this Prouince as heyre or heyres to any of
their Ancestors by reason of any discent in fee Simple or fee
tayle generall or Speciall or come to them or any of them by
any discent in fee Simple or fee tayle Generall or Speciall or
Remainder vppon any estate tayle or by any other Lawfull
Conveyance or Conveyances or meanes whatsoever as if they
and every of them had been borne within this Prouince or
were of Brittish or Irish discent as aforesaid And also that they
and every of them henceforth may and shall be Enabled to
prosecute mayntaine & avow Iustifie and defend all manner
of Accons suites Plaintes and other demands whatsoever as
liberally franckly freely fully Lawfully and Securely as if they
and every of them had been Natureally borne within this Prouince
of Maryland or were of Brittish or Irish discent and as any
other person or persons natureally born within this Prouince or
of Brittish or Irish discent may any wise Lawfully doe any
Law Provisoe Act or Custome of this Prouince or other thing
whatsoever had made ordeined or done within this Prouince to
the Contrary thereof in any wise Notwithstanding.
p. 60