Recovered by Bill plaint or Informacon wherein noe Essoyne
Proteccon or wager of Law to be allowed And in case of the
death of any of the persons afore in this act named to prouide
the Weights and measures and for keeping the standard afore-
said the severall and Respective Comissioners of each Respec-
tive County Court shall from time to time nominate and
appoint such other person or persons in their Severall and
Respective Counties to keepe the said Severall Standards
in such Convenient place in the County as they shall thinke
fitt this act to Endure for three yeares or to the End of the
next Generall Assembly which shall first happen
An Act prohibiting the Importacon of all
Horses geldings mares or Colts into
this Prouince
For as much as the great Numbers of horses Geldings mares
and Colts within this prouince are soe destructive to the In-
habitants thereof that with their yearely encrease in the
Country and their Importacon from forreigne parts would soe
greatly augment in few yeares that the whole Province would
Receive great Injuries thereby Wherefore for prevencon for
the future It is hereby Enacted by the Right Honb!e the Lord
and Propry of this Prouince by and with the assent of the upper
and lower houses of this present Generall Assembly and by
the Authority of the same That noe person or persons what-
soever from and after the end of this Assembly shall import or
bring into this Prouince by sea or land any horses mares geld-
ings or Colts from any forraigne parts whatsoever vnder the
penalty of forfeiting all such horses Geldings mares or Colts
soe by him or them imported or brought as aforesaid or the
full value thereof one halfe to the Lord Proprietary the other
halfe to the Informer or him or them that shall seize the same
to be Recovered in any Court of Record within this Prouince
by Bill plaint or Informacon wherein noe Essoyne Proteccon or
wager of Law to be allowed This act to Continue for three
yeares or to the End of the next Generall Assembly which
shall first happen.