late, Shipping is gone out of the Country, and thereby your
Petitioner damnifyed both in his Creditt & loss of Tobo lying
in his hands
The Premisses Considered your Petitioner humbly begs your
Honours to release his Obligation of building the House afd he
being willing to repay all such Tobo as by Sherriffs Accts shall
appeare by him to be received, likewise that your Honours will
take Care that speedier payments & Returns be by all Sherriffs
made of all Ordinary Debts whatsoever without which your
Petitioner is totally ruined & disabled from the Continuance of
his Employment
And he as in Duty bound shall pray &c.
On which Petition was Endorsed viz.
April 19th 1666
In the Lower House of Assembly
Wm Smith having preferred the within Petition unto this
House upon reading thereof the said Smith being sent for was
demanded whither or no he was willing to be bound to build
a lesser House for the Country's Accommodation that might
not require so long time in building & finishing the same of
so many Workmen & other requisite Provisions as that former