The House met again Present as in the Morning and
Adjourned till nine of the Clock on Monday Morning in respect
the Lower House were Adjourned till Monday Morning
Monday April 3d 1671
The House met Present the Right honourable the Governour
the Chancellour Secretary Thomas Trueman and Edwd Fitz-
herbert Esqrs and
Adjourned till two of the Clock in the Afternoon
The House met again Present as in the Morning & Col.
The Lower House sent a paper to this House in these
Words Viz.
Monday the 3d day of April 1671
At the Lower House of Assembly
The House having Seriously debated and Considered of the
two Bills sent to this House by the Upper House of Assembly
the one Entituled an Act for the naturalization of Foreigners
The other Entituled an Act for the raising and providing a
Supply for his Lordship the Lord and Proprietor towards the
defraying of the publick Charges of the Government
And the Question being put whither the said two Bills should
pass as they were then penned and presented
Resolved that the said Act for Naturalization of Foreigners
do pass with this Amendment that the said Act continue only
for two Years and that there be therein a Proviso or new Law
made that all Persons born in this Province and Inhabiting the
same though born of foreign Parents not Naturalized before
their Deaths and Enjoying Lands by descent or otherwise by
or from their said Parents and all Lands by such Persons pur-
chased or otherwise lawfully possessed may hold & Enjoy all
such their Lands and Tenements according to their respective
Rights & Titles therein as freely as if such Persons so inhabiting
and born in this Province and their Parents had been natural-
The other Act being read