Assembly Proceedings, April — May 1669. 219
of Law Enforced to pay the Same debts againe To the pty
tht trusted the Said wares or to his Execrs Aminrs or others As-
signed to Receive the sd debts vnlesse he or they cann pduce
Sufficient proofe by writing or witnesses of the said paymt that
may Countervaile the Creddit of the Said Bookes wch ffew or
none can doe in any Long time after the st paymt Be it
Therefore Enacted by the Right Hono— the Lord Propriety by
& with the Advice & Consent of the vpper & Lower House
of this prsent Genll Assembly & by Authority of the Same
That noe ffactor Merchant or other Inhabitant Keeping a Booke
as aforesd his or their Exec- Admin- or others Assigned to
Receive the Said debts shall from & after the End of this
prsent Genll Assembly be allowed admitted or Received to
give his Booke in Evidence in any accon for any paymt due to
be made for ware hereafter to be delivered above one yeare
before the said accon Brought Except he or they their Execrs
Adminirs or other Assigned shall have obteyned or gotten a
bill of debt or obligacon of the debtors for the said debt or
shall have Brought or psented against the said debtors or
his Execrs or Adminrs Some accon for the sd debt or wares in
one yeare next after the same wares delivered Any Law Cus-
tome or vsage heretofore had or made to the Contrarie in any
wise not withstanding This Act to Endure for three yeares or
to the End of the next Gene- Assembly which shall ffirst happen
P. R. O.
Colonial En-
try Book
No. 53
An Act for marking high
wayes & making the Heads of Rivers Creeks
Branches & Swampes passable for Horse &
Whereas it is Thought Convenient and very much for the
Benefitt of the Inhabitants of this Province that waies & paths
be markt The heads of Rivers Creeks Branches & Swampes
be made passable Bee it therefore Enacted by the Right
Honoble the Lord Proprietary of this Province by & with the advise
& Consent of the vpper & Lower House of this prsent Genell
Assembly that the Comrs of each Respective County within
this Province shall once Every yeare during the Continuance
of this Act (vizt) vpon the twentyeth day of Octobr mete To-
gether in their Respective Countyes to Consult of wt high
wayes are most fitt to be made or amended & Cause to be
made amended & marked out the most Convenient high wayes
& Paths Though their severall & Respective Countyes as also
to make passable for horse or ffoote the Heads of Rivers
Creekes Branches & Swampes tht are most Convenient &
nearest adjoyning to such high wayes or necessary paths and