hereby Revived & Continued for the Terme of Three yeares
or to the End of the next Generall Assembly wch shall ffirst
An Act of Gratitude to the
Leivetent Genell Charles Calvert Esqre
Your Lorpps humble Servants the Two houses of Assembly
in this psent Assembly of the freemen of this Province of
Maryland Assembled taking into Serious consideracon the
manifold Benefits & Advantages they Reap by your Lorpps
vnwearied Endeavours in ptecting them from the many At-
tempts made vpon the ffreedom of our Trade by Evill minded
People as otherwise & in pticular that yor Lorpps hath sent
yor Heire Apparent into this Province to be our Governo-
vndr yor Lorpp who is now returning to yor Lopp Suf-
ficiently informed by euery years Experience the necessities of
the Province for the Better Support of him the sd Leivetent
Genll doe Pray that it be Enacted. And be it Enacted by the
Lord Proprietary by & with the Consent of the vpper & Lower
House of this psent Gen" Assembly That six pence p hogs-
head be imposed for this yeare only vpon Every Hogshead of
Tobacco being of the growth of this Province that shall be
shipped on Board of any shipp or shipps vessell or vessels
wthin the sd Province to be Exported this next Ensuing yeare
and the Collector of the said Imposion to dispose of the same
According to the Honoble the Livet Genll direccon wch said
Collector shall be by him Appointed Be it further ordeyned
& Enacted by the Authority Aforesaid that the master & mas-
ters of all & Every shipp and shipps & other vessels comeing
to Trade within this Province shall vpon demand made by the
Collector or Collectors who shall by the order of the Liveten?
Genll be impowered appointed to Receive & Collect the said
Imposicon from Every shipp or other vessell aforesd enter into
Security to pay such Collector or Collectors Six pence p Hogs-
head that shall vpon any account w'soever be shipped on Board
his or their shipp or vessell to be Exported the sd paymt to be
made in mony bills of Exchange or Such other wayes as the
sd mr or mrs of the shipp or other vessell shall agree with the
Collector for according to instruccons from the Leivetent Genll
and all ffreightes to be accountable to the master or masters for
the number of hogsheads shipped for such Imposicon as by the
said mstr or masters shal be paid as Aforesaid And be it
further Enacted & ordained by the Authority aforesaid for the
discovery of the number of Hogsheads in Each shipp or other
vessell Conteyned that the said master or masters of such shipp
or other vessell shall deliver his Boatswaines Booke to the
Perusall of the Said Collector or Collector & make Oath of the
P. R. O.
Colonial En-
try Book
No. 53