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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 211   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, April — May 1669. 211

the Creditor in his life time acknowledge that debt to be Satis-
fyed or whether or not Vpon Sight of the Creditors booke
writeings or accompts they haue not scene Creditt given to the
Debtor since the day of the date of the makeing the said Bill
bond or begining of that accompt soe sued for all which in like
manner is to be Certifyed by the Publick Notary or other
officers therevnto appointed vnder his hand and seale to be sent
along to this Country Together with the Testimony of the witt-
nesse[s] that have Testifyed to the said bonds bills or accompts
or otherwise all which if the said Executors or administrators
shall Refuse or Neglect to doe then the said matter or thing
by the said Public Notary or other officer appoynted as afore-
said Certified shall not be Received in Evidence for valid
against the Debtor Provided though the proofes and Evidence
be Sufficient that the Plaintiffe obteine Judgment for the said
debt noe Execucon shall Issue forth against the Defendt vntill
the originalls be given and delivered up to the Defendt or his
Attorney or Sufficient & Legall Releases in Case the Originalls
be Lost And Bee itt further Enacted that all and every the At-
torney or Attorneys who shall be imployed in the Prosecucon
of such suite shall put in Security to pay to the Defendt all
such Costs and Charges as shall by the said Defendant be in
that Cause Expended in case the plaintiffe be Cast in the suite
Provided likewise that noe accompt bill bond Judgment Re-
cognizance Statute Marchant or of the Staple or other Specialty
whatsoever although proved and Certifyed as aforesaid shall
be good Pleadable or admitted in Evidence against any person
or persons in this Province where the Debtor or Creditor are
both dead and the debt or thing in demand or accon are above
twelve yeares standing This Act to Endure for three yeares
or to the end of the next Generall Assembly which shall first



An Act for Encouragement of such persons as will
vndertake to build watermills

Dayly Experience shewing that the want of watermills is the
true Cause that husbandry in tilling the ground for and sowing
of wheat and Barly is but coldly prosecuted though the Ad-
vantages thereby in.rayseing the stock of Neate Cattle be great
and for asmuch as for the most part the places fitt for Setting
up watermills are already in the hands of persons vnder age or
vnable to be att the Charge of building a watermill or else of
such as are wilfully obstinate in for bidding and hindring such
persons as would purchase the said places fitt for building water-
mills and sett them up to the Encrease of our trade and


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 211   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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