like Case to the Piscattaway Indians that Effects be raised &
put into the hands of Capt Carr at Delaware that shall be
sufficient to Encourage the said Carr to do our Business & to
purchase a Present to be sent to the Mathwas Indians to
renew our League with them & to include in it the said
Ababco, Hatsawap & Tequassino & the rest of the Indians our
Confederates, that the said Ababco Tequassino Hatsawap have
a Considerable Present or Reward given them for their Fidelity.
& each of these Indian Councellours here a Present at parting
& further an Order over into Choptank to have a boat lent for
their Transportation up to the Susquehannahs And do desire
the Lower House their Concurrence herein And that We may
have their speedy answer first as to the Act for Securing them
their Lands. 2d As to what Effects they will be willing to put
into the hands of Captain Carr 3d As to what reward they
will give Ababco Tequassino & Hatsawap & the rest of the
Kings 4. What they will give the Indian Councellours here
An Act for recording the Journal of the Lower House Read
3 times and voted to pass
An Act for marking high Ways read 3 times and Voted to
Ordered that Mr Christopher Rousby be allowed 2000lb tobo.
out of the publick Levy in Calvert County Provided he deliver
the Governour as many Match Coats as comes to the said
Then was Sent to the Lower House this following Message
The Upper House desires to know why the Lower House
have Omitted the Act lymitting Servants times
2 They think the appointing Sherriffs is part of my Lord's
royal Jurisdiction & that therefore the two Houses ought not
to intermeddle in making an Act for it
3 That the last Clause in the Act for Hogstealers Enjoining
the Chancellour to send a charge to each County Court with-
out Fee is ureasonable and therefore ought not to be revived
Then was read the Act for Continuance of peace with &
Protection of our Neighbours & Confederate Indians in Chop-