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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 178   View pdf image
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178 Assembly Proceedings, April — May 1669.

U. H.

Privileges of this House This House upon full debate humbly
Considering the seven Grievances formerly Presented to the
Upper House to be still Real & Publick and do not in any
wise tend to the Arraignmt of the Lord Proprietor Governour
or Council and so consequently the Votes touching the same
not mutinous or seditious & ought not to be razed out of the
Journalls of this House
Signed by order of the House Robt Carvile Clk

The House Adjourned till to Morrow nine of the Clock

Saturday Morning 29th April 1669

Present Philip Calvert Esqe Jerome White
Baker Brooke & Wm Calvert Esqe
Ordered that the Lower House be desired to come into the
Upper House to a Conference
That at the Conference the Chancellour do remonstrate unto
them the ruin that is coming upon these rash Proceedings of
1. By leaving the Province without Law
2 The People discontented & jealous that their just Libertys
are denyed them, when in truth We only vindicate that just
power in my Lord which the King hath given him by his
Charter & is no way communicable to the people
3 The Province much in Debt & particular Persons much
damaged in Talbot & Somersett Countys especially for want
of their pay from the publick all which they have as much as in
them lyes hindered by their Vote relating to the last Years
4. The hinderance of the raising this Assembly's Charges
5. The hinderance of Curbing the Indians
further to declare to them that they are not to Conceive
that their privileges run paralell to the Commons in the Parlia-
ment of England, for that they have no power to meet but by
Virtue of my Lords Charter, so that if they in any way infringe
that they destroy themselves ; for if no Charter there is no
Assembly, No Assembly no Privileges
2 Their power is but like the common Council of the City
of London which if they act Contrary or to the overthrow of
the Charter of the City run into Sedition & the Person Ques-

p. 145

3 Lastly if they do not raze those seditious Votes contained in
the paper stiled the seven Grievances by the Vote 23 April to-
gether with that Vote the Governour is resolved to dissolve
this Assembly on Monday Morning
Signed by order of the House
John Gitting Clk

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 178   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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