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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 175   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, April — May 1669. 175

cerning Levying War within this Province and consequently
with the Consent of the Freemen of this Province without which
no Laws are made in this Province It is objected that there is
no Person named in that Law by whom that Law should be
Executed but We answer it is frivolous because if his Lord-
ship do not Condescend to put the Execution of Laws into the
hands of some particular persons in those Laws named or to
be named which in this Law is not done, he himself and in his
absence his Lieutenant & chief Governour is to see his Laws
Executed, The first day of the Assembly the Governour offered
You an Account of the last Year's Levy & the time had been
much better spent in auditing the Account of the Province
then at Girding at the Lord Proprietor's Rights, of which he
makes no Use but for the Preservation of the People

The fourth is privileged Attornys &c.

To which We answere We cannot but wonder that Attornys
of Ability & sworn to be faithful and diligent in their places &
offices should be called a Grievance nay the Grand Grievance
of the Country The Aged & impotent not able to travel must
be allowed Attornys or else they cannot possibly in Court seek
their Right or defend themselves from Wrong and then doubt-
less It is better to have Attornys of the abler sort & Sworn
than ignorant & free from the Tye of an Oath and yet even
such are not only allowed but earnestly sought out in County
Courts by the People now Aggrieved as is pretended, to this
We add the necessity of Attornys for Absents in the parts be-
yond the seas, and upon the whole Matter You will find it ne-
cessary and well becoming the Prudence of an Assembly to
petition the Lord Proprietary to whom of Right it belongs to
Settle his Courts & ministers in those Courts in the most or-
derly and Expeditious Way that may be and with Convenient
fees both for the Livelihood of the Ministers & Ease (as much
as Suits at Law will permitt of) the people suing in those
Courts & to that End to appoint some Persons of both Houses

U. H.

most experienced in Law Matters to draw up the Rules fit for
our Courts & Country & a List of Fees for the Ministers of
those Courts to be approved of by his Lordship

5 The Sherriffs taking away Merchants
& others Tobo &c.

To this We answer that if the Sherriffs have only pretended
publick Debts thereby to seize Tobacco they are punishable
but if they did seize Merchants or other Men's Tobacco for
publick Debts they ought to be justifyed in it to the intent the
publick Faith may not suffer upon which alone We carry on

p. 146

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1666-June 1676
Volume 2, Page 175   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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