Caecilius Absolute lord & Proprietary of the Provinces of
Maryland & Avalon lord Baron of Baltemore &c. To the
sherriff of the County of St Marys Greeting
Whereas by the Advice & consent of our Councell wee have
det'mined to hold an Assembly of the ffreemen of our Province
at our Citty of St Mary's vpon the thirteenth day of Aprill
next ensueing there to considr of Certeine things concning
the State & welfare of this our Province of Maryland Wee com-
mand you Leivtennt Colonel John Jarbo Sherriff of St Marys
County tht makeing pclamacon as soone as conveniently may
be aft receipt of this writt at the Discrecon of the ffreemen of
your County you cause One, Two, Three, or ffowre, Discreete
Burgesses or Deligates to be Elected to serve in the said
Assembly there to doe and consent to such things as by com-
mon consent shall happen to be Ordeyned & Enacted in the
businesses aforesd soe tht through want of Sufficient power and
inconsiderate Eleccon of the aforesd Burgesses or deligates the
businesses aforesaid may not remayne vndone or neglected &
make your returne of this writt into our Chancery by the Sixth
day of Aprill next Wittnes our Deare Sonn Charles Calvert
esqr our Leivtennnt and Cheife Gounor of Our sd Province of
Maryland the Sixteenth day of ffebruary in the Seaven and
Thirtyeth yeare of Our Dominion over our said Province
Annoque Domini One thowsand Six hundred sixty and Eight.