An act for the Burgesses Expenses & other publiqe Debts
Bee it Enacted by the Rt Honoble the Lord Propr by and
with the Advice and consent of the vpper and lower house of
this present generall assembly that Every County shall pay and
satisfie vnto William Smith of St. maryes Inholder for their Re-
spective Burgesses and their Attendance all their necessary
Expenses for meate drinke & Lodging during this assembly
att the next Ensuing Crop That is to say St Mary's County
Two thousand seven hundred eighty five pounds of tobacco
Kent County five thousand Five hundred thirty five pounds of
tobacco Ann Arrundell County foure thousand five hundred
eighty six pounds of tob. Calvert County three thousand eight
hundred twenty six pounds of tob. Charles County three thou-
sand one hundred & twenty six pounds of tobacco Baltimore
County one thousand foure hundred thirty seaven pounds of
tobacco Talbott County three thousand two hundred and four-
teene pounds of tobacco And be itt further Enacted tht the
said Smith be paid by a generall Levy to be raysed vpon the
publiqe for the expenses of the vpper house foure thousand
foure hundred & sixty pounds of tobacco And for the Expenses
of the Lower house to be leavyed alsoe on the publiqe Eleaven
thousand and twenty pounds of tobacco And for the accomo-
dacon of the Indians two thousand two hundred & sixty pounds
of tobacco And be itt alsoe further Enacted tht John Lawson
high Sherriffe of St. Maries County be allowed out of the
publiqe leavy sixteen hundd sixty five pounds of tobacco John
Shankes one thousand pounds of tobacco Mr Thomas Mathews
one thousand pounds of tobacco Alexander Maxwell foure
hundred pounds of tobacco Peter Carwardine doore Keeper of
the lower house six hundred pounds of tobacco Mr Wm Bretton
Clk of the Lower house two thousand five hundred pounds of
tobacco To Mr John Gittings Clk of the vpper house three
thousand pounds of tobacco and Mr John Nutthall two thou-
sand pounds of tobacco Be itt also further Enacted by the
Authority aforesaid that each respective County shall also
allowe to their Respective Burgesses their necessary charge
for hands and boate hyre and other necessary Accomodacons
vntil they arrive att their owne houses
The Governour Enacteth theis
to be Lawes
Charles Calvert
Memorandum the Lawes above written past vnder the great
Seale of this Province the fourteenth day of June 1666.
Philip Calvert Chancellor
P. R. O.
Colonial En-
try Book
No. 53