Assembly Proceedings, April — May 1666. 143
the last of January then next following And that all Sound
tobacco whether of this yeares planting or of the next crop so
tht itt be free from ground leases and Seconds shall be held
Merchantable and Fitt to be tendered for any dcbtc whatso-
ever And for asmuch as in the yeare of Cessacon there will be
many poore and Indigent persons ready to sterve if noe
Remedy be provided Be itt further Enacted that from and
after the first of September next till the first of September
which shall be in the yeare 1668 noe Execucon shall be layd
vpon any the goods or Chattells of any person whatsoever of
this province Soe farr as not to leave them one hogghd of Tob.
p pole to provide necessary clothing for themselves & family
over and above what is served by the act Entituled an act for
Extent of Attachmts & Exemcons
P. R. O.
Colonial En-
try Book
No. 53
An act for Encouragemt of Trade
Forasmuch as Tobacco is the only Comodity by which this
province doth at present Subsist Which by the vnlimited free-
dome of all persons to Plant what Quantity and at what tyme
they please hath glutted all marketts for divers yeares last past
& for that reason is come to th! Low rate th? were the times
peacable & trade vpon itt would not purchase necessarys for
the planters & for as much as vast quantity's all ready made
must needs ly vpon the planters hand and perish vpon his
accot if wee still continue to plant tob. as formerly for Remedy
whereof Be itt enacted by the Rt honoble the Lord Propr by
and with the consent of the vpper and Lower house of this
present Generall assembly that from and after the first day of
ffebruary wch shall be in this present yeare 1666 till the first of
ffebruary wch shall be in the yeare of our Lord one thousand
six hundred, 60ty Seavon. Noe tobacco shall be Sowen Sett
planted or any way Tended within this Province of Maryland
Provided tht the Honoble Sr Wm Berkely and the assembly of
Virga & Wm Drummond Governor of the Southward Plantations
& the assembly there doe make the like acts in their Severall
& respective assemblyes prohibiting the Sowing Setting plant-
ing or tending any Tob. in any place within their severall and
respective Jurisdictions for the said yeare (vizt) from the first
of ffebruary 1666 till the first of ffebruary 1667 And for the
better and Surer Execucon of this act and Obteyning the
desired End (vizt) the Encouragmt of Merchts to trade with us
for our necessary apparell Bee itt further Enacted by the
authority and with the assent aforesaid that the honorble Philip
Calvert Esqr Henry Courson Esqr Colon" Nathaniell Uety Mr
Tho. Nottley Mr Robert Sly and Major Thomas Brooke or any