this Province by accon of debt plaint bill or Informacon where-
in no Essoyne proteccon or wager of law to be allowed Be
itt also further Enacted by and with the assent of the authority
aforesaid than any person or persons being either Principall or
accessary that shall be legally convicted as a hogg Stealer shall
for the first offence stand in the pillory att the Proall Court
foure complete houres and shall have his Eares cropt and pay
treble damages to the owner of the Hoggs stolne And for
the second time the Offender shall be Stigmatized in the fore-
head wth Lre H. and pay treble damages aforesd. And for the
third offence of Hogg stealing he or they soe offending shall
be adjudged as felons and the Delinq! shall have noe benifitt
of Clergy And be itt also further Enacted by the Authority
aforesaid that all persons vpon their owne land may Lawfully
kill any hoggs piggs or Shoates above three months old that
are vnmarked anything in this act menconed to the contrary
notwithstanding And be itt alsoe further Enacted by and with
the assent of the authority aforesayd that the former acts pro-
vided agt hogstealers from henceforth to be Repealed and are
hereby vtterly Repealed for ever
And for the better Execucon of this and all other the Good
Lawes in this province agt offenders Bee itt enacted that
every respective County Court att the Courts to be held halfe
yearely in march & November in every respective County shall
by a Grand Jury Enquire of all offences Comitted ag this and
all other the good Lawes of this Province And that every
Respective Sherriffe in the said County shall of Course Im-
panell and returne a Jury of Enquest of such Courts halfe
yearely to be held as aforesd And tht all the Constables shall of
Course appeare at the said respective County Courts in the
Months of March & November to be halfe yearely held as
aforesd and if further the Sherriff shall neglect to impanell and
returne Such Jury's as aforesaid or the Constables to appeare
as aforesaid such Sherriffs or Constables shall forfeite respec-
tively one thousand pounds of Tob. for every such his or their
neglect to Impanell & returne Jury's or to appeare to present
offences as the Constables by oath are bound And for the
more Effectuall prosecucon of the true intent and meaning of
this act Be itt Enacted by the authority aforesd that a forme of
a Charge be by the Chancellor drawne vpp and sent to the
severall County Courts vpon the seurall Articles of which the
said County Courts shall strictly examine all the Constables
within their Respective County's for the Discovery of offenders
and due Examinacon of Justice And that all presentments that
concerne life or member be by the Clks of each respective
County Courts returned to the next provinciall Court vpon
paine of forfeiture of 1000l of tobacco for every presentmt by
P. R. O.
Colonial En-
try Book
No. 53