Authority aforesaid that if a writt or Summons issue from the
Leivtonnt Generall Chancellor of this Province for the time
being or from any Comissnr of the said County Court of this
Province respectively who are of the Quor to warne a Jury to
attend in civill causes that such Juries so returned by vertue of
such writt or Summons & serving as a Jury shall be allowed
in the County Court and Proall Court their other Reasonable
charges and loss of time as the Provinciall Court if warned
thither shall Judge Reasonable vpon the Jurors request and
the like allowance shall be allowed in the respective County
Courts in maner as aforesaid over and above tenn pounds of
tob p man exprest in the next Precendt clause of this act
This act to endure for 3 yeares or to the end of the next
Generall Assembly.
An Act for the Repeale of an act Entituled an act of In-
couragmt to Wm Smith in his vndrtaking the Country's
Worke att St. Marie's.
Whereas at an Assembly held att St. Maries September
1664 there passed an act Entituled an act of Encouragmt to
William Smith in his vndertaking the Country's worke att St.
Maries by which the said Smith was enjoyned to build a State
house and to tht End was to have a Lease for 51 yeares of the
Land belonging to the Country at St. Maries and to have
divers Sumes of Tob. to be Raised out of this Province in the
Succeeding yeares till 1668 as by the said act Relacon being
therevnto had more att large appeareth And whereas the
said Wm Smith by his peticon to this Assembly deliud destreth
to be Released from his obligacon of Building the sd State
house Bee itt Enacted by the Rt Honoble the Lord Proprtr by
and with the consent of the uppr and Lower house of this
present Generall assembly tht Wm Smith aforesaid shall for
and in consideracon of the Eight thousand pounds of tobacco
payd him in the yeare one thousand six hundred sixty foure
keepe the Countryes house att St. Maries Tenantable and in
Repaire for 7 yeares from the date of that Act and keepe
Ordinary in the said house according to the true Instant pur-
port & meanening of the said act. And that all the Rest of
that act and every Article and clause therein contayned be and
are hereby vtterly Repealed & made null and voyd And for
as much as there has been Leavyed foure pounds of tob. p pole
vpon this Province this yeare towards the building of the said
State house and payd to the said William Smith Bee it further
Enacted by the authority & consent and advice aforesaid that
the said Wm Smith shall discount the sd 4l tob. p pole vpon
the accot of the Expense of this present generall assembly