clayme be made thereof within three years after judgmt given)
and all the goods & Chattells whereof the offender was pos-
sesed at the time of his or her conviction.
Provided that in offences which are petit Treason the punish-
ment of death shall be inflicted by drawing and hanging of a
man by burning of a woman and that in the offences of sorcery
and blasphemy and Idolatry the punishment of death shall be
inflicted by burning and the accessaries to any of these felonies
afore the felonie committed shall be punished as the principals
This act to endure till the end of the next Generall Assembly.
An Act allowing bookc to certain Felonies.
Be it Enacted By the Lord Proprietarie of this Province of
and with the advice and approbation of the freemen of the
same that these offences following in this Act shall be adjudged
felonies within this Province Man slaughter Malicious trespasses
as to burnt or destroy willfully a house or stack of corne or
Tobacco or to cutt out anothers tongue and the like mischeifs
done to another out of pure malice Forgery which is the will-
ful embesilling or corrupting of a Record meere contempts with
force as to assault or beat the Leiutent Generall of the pro-
vince for the time being or to assault or beat any Judge sitting
in Court or Wittness or Juror in presence of the Court Acces-