Goods, succession to, 64.
Goods, uncertain, 95, 96.
Government, support of, 146, 182, 417.
Governor, corn for, 296.
Grain, English, sowing, 445, 537.
Grants, enrolling of, 63.
Gratitude to Lieut. General, 452, 491.
Ground leaves, 360, 372, 537.
Harbors, preservation of, 533.
Hogs and cattle, marking, 251, 444, 503.
Hog stealers, 455, 537.
Indians, 229, 232, 250, 450, 537.
Indians, delivering guns to, 349.
Indians, expedition against, 196, 294.
Indians, prohibited from entering Kent or
Anne Arundel Counties, 291.
Indians, purchasing land from, 248.
Indians, selling guns to, 346.
Indians, stealing of, 346.
Indians, Susquehannough, assistance to,
401, 406.
Indians, trade with, 42, 307.
Indians, treating with, 353.
Indians, trespass, 348.
Indians, war with, 345.
Ingrossers, 161, 294, 351.
Intestate, succession to goods of, 20, 138,
156, 191.
Iron, old, exportation of, 495.
Irons for branding malefactors, 491.
Judges, 147, 182.
Judges, oaths of, 44.
Judgments, 151, 187.
Judicature, rule of, 147, 184, 210.
Justice, administration of, 496.
Justices of Peace, 52.
Kent, Isle of, government, 55.
Land, assuring titles of, 61.
Land, conveyance of, 487.
Land, purchasing from Indians, 248.
Land, quieting possession of, 487.
Land, rights of, 348.
Land, succession to, 20, 60, 138, 157, 190.
Land, taking up, 159, 194.
Lands five years in possession, 501.
Laws for government of Province, 82,
120, 121, 122.
Laws, reviving, 408, 446.
Laws, reviving certain, 536.
Letters, conveyance of, 415, 537.
Levies and judgments, 229.
Levies, order for raising, 313, 342.
Levy of tobacco, 417.
Levying war within the Province, 302.
Liberties of the people, 20, 41.
Lord Proprietary, accomptants to, 306.
Lord Proprietary, assent to laws, 384, 386.
Lord Proprietary, debts to, 304.
Lord Proprietary, letters from, 313, 327.
Lord Proprietary, subsidy to, 120, 123.
Lord Proprietary, support of, 22, 252.
Lord Proprietary's ordnance, &c., 303.
Lord Proprietary's stock of cattle, 253,
Lord Proprietary's title, recognition of,
Lord Proprietary's title to lands, 41.
Magazine, providing a, 535.
Manors and freeholds, service for, 20.
Marks of cattle and hogs, 295.
Marriage fees, 450, 537.
Marriages, 95, 97, 374, 442, 537.
Marshal's fees, 163.
Measures and weights, 79, 108.
Military discipline, 77, 412, 537.
Militia, 347.
Mint, setting up, 414.
Money and bullion, 444.
Money, raising, 302.
Muster-Master General's fee, 283, 292.
Mutinous and seditious speeches (re-
pealed), 352.
Negroes, 533.
Notary Public, 498.
Oath of allegiance to the King, 20.
Oath of fealty, 229.
Oath of fidelity, 304, 305, 320.
Oblivion, 301.
Offences, certain, 22, 248, 283, 286, 350.
Offences, enormous, 22, 73.
Offences, greater capital, 138, 158, 192.
Offences, less capital, 138, 158, 192.
Offences, not capital, 138, 158, 193.
Offences, some other, 286.
Officers, appointment of, 54, 405, 410, 537.
Officers' fees, 162, 229.