in the Lower house of Assembly fifteen hundred pounds of
Tobacco. To Mr Henry Hide door keepr of the Lower House
Seauen hundred pounds of Tobacco To Wm Smith for the
common expences of the Burgesses to bee paid out of the
publick Leauy thirteen hundred twenty two pounds of Tobacco
and for Mr Brettons dyett one hundred and forty pounds of
Tobacco more to bee payed by the publick Leauy and added
to Mr Smiths acct To the Chancelor eleauen hundred and
twelf pounds of Tobacco for powder and shott bought by him
anno 1661: To Mr John Gittings clke of the uper house
fifteen hundred pounds of Tobacco To Mr Iohn Powick door-
keepr of the uper house four hundred pounds of Tobacco To
Wm Smith att St Marys for the comon expence of the uper
house two thousand eight hundred eighty two pounds of
Tobacco and Bee itt further enacted by the authority aduise
and consent aforesd that Charles County shall pay vnto Phillip
Caluert Esqr ouer and above the publick Leauy as County
charge the sume of one thousand seaven hundred eighty eight
pounds of Tobacco, and that Caluert County shall pay unto
Thomas Sprigge five hundred and twenty pounds of Tobacco
out of the publick Leauy as alsoe five hundred fifty three
pounds of Tobacco to Thomas Dout out of their County leauy
alsoe and that St Mary's County shall pay to Coll Wm Evans
fiue hundred and twenty pounds of Tobacco out of their
County leauy: To the respective sherifs of each County for
collectinge the publick Leauy twelf thousand four hundred
ninety four pounds of Tobacco and bee itt further Enacted that
this Act shall bee in leau of all orders graunted this Assembly
by either house for Taxes of Tobacco.
The vpper house have Assented to all these Acts
John Gittings clke
The Lower House have Assented to all these Acts
Wm Bretton clke.
The Lord Propr willeth that these bee Lawes
Charles Caluert.