Acts made att the Generall Assembly Begun
att St Maryes the fifteenth day of September
Annoq. Domini one thousand six hundred Sixty
three in the two and thirtieth yeare of the Do-
minion of the Right Honble Ceecilius Absolute
Lord Proprietary of the Provinces of Maryland
and Avalon Lord Barren of Baltemore &ca And
there Continued till Saturday the third of Octo-
ber following & thence adjourned till the second
Tuesday in September 1664.
An Act Prohibitting Arrests upon the Sabbath dayes
and dayes of Generall Musters & Trayning
Whereas Itt hath been the frequent practice of Sherriffes and
other (persons) officers for their owne ease and Benefitt to re-
payre to the Churches and other places of Publick meetings
upon the Lords day Commonly called Sunday as alsoe vnto
the vsuall places of Mustering and Trayning for millitary
affayres on purpose to Serve Warrants and Execucons and
other writts by which meanes men in danger of Arrests haue
been deterred from the Service of God & the Lord Proprietary
of this Prouince. Bee itt therefore Enacted by the Lord Pro-
prietary by and with the Assent of the upper & Lower house
of this Generall Assembly That noe Sherriffe or his officer
shall from henceforth Execute any writt or warrant upon any