The two howses after the readeing of the Lawes joyned in
this Declaracon (that all publike money by theis Acts to be
leauyed shall be assessed by the Governor and Councell, as
also the publike charge of three thousand pounds of tobacco
brought into the lower howse this day for publike Expence
which being ended The Chancellor by order from the Leiue-
tennt Generall Declared that the howse was Dissolved :
Acts made at a Sessions
of Generall Assembly
begun and held at St Marys
the first of Aprill 1662
by the honoble Charles Calvert
Esqr Gouernor of the Province
of Maryland
Whereat were prsent Charles Caluert Esqr Leiutent Generall
Philip Calvert Esqr Deputy Leiuett and Chancellor Henry
Sewall Esqr Secretary Robert Clarke Baker Brooke Edward
Lloyd Capt James Neale and Mr John Bateman Esqrs Councellrs
As alsoe the Burgesses of each respective county (vizt)
St Marys County Coll. William Euans Luke Gardner Thomas
Turner and Richard Willan Gent:
Kent County Capt Robert Vaughan and Richard Blunt Gent: