that the Act of Recognition is acknowledged by this Assembly
and fully and freely Assented unto, and that after Publication
of this Act, All the Inhabitants of this Province are required to
owne, and faithfully to Suhmitt themselves thereunto
Acts Repealed vizt
An Act concerning pub Levies upon the visible Estate of
the Inhabitants
An Act concerning Theft
An Act concerning births Marriages and Burialls
An Act concerning Sheriffs and Clarks ffees
Concerning Pub: Charge
It is ordered Enacted & Declared in the Name of his High-
ness the Lord Protector of England &c. and by the Authority
of this present Generall Assembly that all publick Charges of
this province shall this present year be Levied upon all person
taxable p pole and all men Servants that are or shall be brought
into this Province for the future of what age soever they be
shall be Taxable p pole as aforesaid.