and orders of a Gcnerall Assembly holden for the Province
of Maryland at Patuxcnt the 20th of October 1654 by
Commission from his Highness the Lord Protector of
England Scotland and Ireland and the Dominions there-
unto belonging.
L. O. R.
No. 3
Liber B
p. 440
Capt Wm ffuller
Mr Richd Preston Speaker
Mr Leo: Strong
Mr John Hatch
Mr Richd Wells
Mr Richd Ewen
Mr Wm Durand
Mr Tho. Hinson
Mr Edwd Lloyd
Mr Arthur Turner
Mr Wm Parker
Mr Jno Wade
Mr Sampson Waring
Mr James Berry
Mr Joseph Weekes
Mr Wm Ewen
The Act of Recognicon
It is Enacted and Declared in the Name of his Highness the
Lord Protector of England Scotland and Ireland and the
Dominions thereunto belonging an the Authority of this present
Generall Assembly. That the Reduceing of this Province of
Maryland by power of the Supreame Authority of the Common-
wealth of England Committed to Richd Bennett Esqr and Collo
William Cleyborne, And the Governing as it is now Settled by
Commission Granted to Capt William ffuller Mr; Richd Preston
Mr Wm Durand, Mr Edward Lloyd Mr Leonard Strong Mr
John Hatch, Mr John Lawson Mr Richard Wells Mr William
Parker, Mr Richard Ewen is acknowledg'd by this Assembly
and freely and fully Submitted unto, And that no power either
from the Lord Baltemore or any other ought or shall make any
alteration in the Governmt aforesaid as it is now Settled, unless
it be from the Supreame Authority of the Commonwealth of
England Execised by his highness the Lord Protector,
3 Imediatly & Directly Granted for that purpose. That after