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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly January 1637/8-September 1664
Volume 1, Page 285   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, April 1650. 285

The Committee finding allready 3420l more of Tob. uppon
common charge, besides what will hereafter be reckoned.
Whereuppon (not being able to make a true Estimate of the
Poeple inhabiting in the seuerall Counties, whereby to propor-
tionate the Assessmt equally) they referre the making thereof,
unto the meeting in Octobr for tht purpose.

Liber A


John Price
Robt Vaughan
James Coxe
Phil: Land

John Hatch
Willm Brough
Robt Robins
George Puddington

Iune 29th April 1650 in the Vpper house

The said House being called The Governor, Capt Price, Mr
Secretary and Capt Vaughan Assembled, And the Burgesses
of the Lower House being sent for, came and Joyned them-
selves with the Vpper House this day for the more convenient
and Speedyer dispatch of all busines. And in the first place
the Bills and Orders before menconed were all read and voted
as before is expressed
After wch it was put to the Vote of both Houses whether in
regard of the Long expence of time elapsed they did agree
that all Bills, Acts and Orders as well such as have often been
read and Voted to Ingrossmt as all the rest that have beene
read and assented vnto by both Houses shall passe for Lawes
and Orders of the Province and stand Good to all intents and
purposes, without further reading though they have not been
soe often read and Voted as was directed by the order of the
House for that purpose, Yea or Noe. And it was in the affir-
mative by both Houses. Willm Bretton
Willm Stone Tho: Hatton

And the busines of this day being finished the Governor
adiourned the house as before in the Journal as expressed.
Tho: Hatton Seer.

Acts of Assembly.

Acts and Orders Enacted made and ordered by Willm Stone
Esqr Governor with the consent of the Vpper and Lower
House of Assembly at a generall Sessions thereof held at St
Maries on Monday the nyne and twentieth day of Aprill Anno
Dm 1650 as followeth Viz:

p. 355

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly January 1637/8-September 1664
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