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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly January 1637/8-September 1664
Volume 1, Page 232   View pdf image (33K)
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232 Assembly Proceedings, January— March 1647/8.

Liber A

The ffreemen alleage tht the charge for imprisonment of the
Indians is unduely laid vppon the County; But alleged not
any thing materiall for it. Whereuppon the Gou! found noe
reason to alter the former order sett downe by the Gour and
Councell as aboue. As concerning the manner of leuying the
sd charge, The ffreemen unanimously agreed, & concluded
tht it should be leuyed uppon all the Tytheable psons Inhabts
of St Maries County equally pr head, tht were resyding in the
County from the tenth of June last, wdl resulteth to 55l Tob:
June 14th 1648

P. R. O.
Col. Ent. Bk

No. 53

Acts assented unto by the Freemen and Enacted by
the Governor Thomas Greene Esqre Att a Generall
Assembly held att St Johns on the 4th March 1647.

An Act touching Court dayes

Uppon the first six dayes not being Sundayes or Holy dayes
of the month of March Aprill June October November and
December next following the Judges authorized by Comons.
shall keepe Court in St Marys and Kent Countyes and then
and ther shall Judge all Causes within theire Cognizance
according to the laudable customes of this province and
according to Equety and good Conscience and the Judge-
ments then and ther given and agreeing with the powers
granted in theire Commissions shall by writts issued to the
Sheriffs cause to bee put in Execution and wher the Judge,
the plaintif or the defendant shall soe require it, the cause
shall bee tryed by a Jury.

An Act for the Extent of
Attachments and Executions.

Wheras divers Inhabitants of this Province have been bur-
dened and aggrieved with Attachments Wee the Freemen
assembled in this Generall Assembly doe pray that it may bee
enacted, and bee it enacted by the Lord Proprietor if and with
the Assent and Approbation of the Freemen in this present
Assembly, that noe Attachment shall or may be layd vpon any
the Goods or Chatties of any Inhabitant of this Province
except the true Owner therof bee not att that tyme resident
or dwelling in the province and whoever shall attach more then
a fourth part over and above the vallue of the debt shall beare
the dammages of the attachment and dammages of the party.

And be it further Enacted that noe execution may or shall
bee layd upon any the Goods or Chatties of any the hous-


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly January 1637/8-September 1664
Volume 1, Page 232   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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