Fees of the Surveyor Generall
Imprimis For Surveying any plott of grownd of 100 Acres
or under 1l p acre If the ploot be between 100 and 200 acres
then for the first hundred as afore and for all above half a
pound per acre If between 5200 and 500 acres then for the
first 200 as afore and for all above one quarter of a pound per
acre If it be between 500 and 1000 acres then for the first
500 as afore and for all above one pound for every 8 acres if it
be above 1000 Acres then for the first 1000 as afore & for all
above one pound for every 10 acres Item for entring a sur-
vey upon his book 5l Item for Certifying a survey 5l Item
For discribing a plot of the grant if it be 100 acres or under
10l If above then 5l for every hundred Acres
Besides these Fees the Surveyor may demand for every days
absence from home goeing and Comeing to Survey the Plott
(except time Spent in or about the Survey) 20l p day But if
divers make use of such goeing and Comeing The Surveyor
is either to part the said fee for it rateably among all that make
use of it or else the Party paying him for the whole time may
refuse to let others have the benefitt of it unlesse such as will
contribute or Compound for it And the party employing the
Surveyor is to find him a boate and two hands and victualls
out and home
Fees of the Sherrif or Marshall
Imprimis For Serving any writt or processe 10l p every
name to be served in the writt Item for Collecting any
Publique duties 10 p Centum of the sume Collected
Item for Serveing a writt of execution 5l p Centum of the
Summe levied