The house agreed upon these Orders following
1 Any ten members of the house at any time assembled at
the usual or appointed time whereof the Lieut General and six
burgesses to be seven shall be a house unless sickness do
hinder that number in which case only the members present to
make the house
Consented to by the Freemen
Enacted by the Lord Proprietary
2 Any one of the house not appearing upon call after the
third beating of the drum shall forfeit 100l tob unless he have
Leave of the Lieut General for absence
3 The Drum to beat as near as may be to sunrising and half
an hours distance between each beating
4 No Bill to be read above once in one day
5 None to speak in one day above once to one Bill without
leave of the Lieutenant General upon pain of 20l tob if two or
more rise together the Lieut General shall determine who shall
speak first
6 None to use any undecent taunting or reviling words to
the naming or personating of any member in the house or any