Saturday the ninth of July next in the afternoon for the like
election as aforesaid in like manner the freemen of Saint
Clements hundred before John Robinson on Saturday 16th
July and the freemen of Mattapanient hundred before Richard
Garnett on Saturday 16th July and to require the said several
Persons before whom such Assemblies shall be made as afore-
said to certify to the said Assembly on or before the said 18th
July the names of the Burgesses so elected by the said free-
men so assembled or by the Greater part of them and to
require the Burgess to take notice of such their election and to
repair to the Assembly at time and place aforesaid Given at
Saint Marys this first day of July 1642
Writt to Mr Giles Brent for summoning the Freemen of
Kent to elect &ca one or two Burgesses
Eod. Personall writts issued to
Captain Thomas Cornwaleys
Mr Giles Brent
Captain William Blount
Mr John Langford
July 13th like personall writts issued to
Thomas Gerard
Eodem Writt to Mr Thomas Gerard to summon to Assem-
ble at Convenient place the freemen of Saint Clements hundred
to elect one or two Burgesses
17th July 1642