Edmond Parrie amerced
mr Creene and Capt: Cornwaleys exhibited his proxie for him.
Then came firancis Gray, John Robinson, and John Halfe-
head, and revoked their pxies to Justinian Snow; and appeared
Anthony Cotton came & clavmeu voices as treemen,
Andrew Chappell & were admitted.
Cyprian Throughgood
The house being sate, the President declared that he thought
it fitting to adiorne the house for a longer time; till the lawes
wch they would propound to the Lord Proprietr were made
ready, wch some would take a care of, & in the meanetime the
company might attend their other businesses &c.
Capt: Cornwaleys replied they could not spend their time in
any businesse better then in this for the countries good; and
one of the planters demanded the reason why it should be
adiorned, & said they were willing to leave their other
businesse to attend it. The President replied he would be
accomptable to no man for his adiorning of it.
Then Capt. Cornwaleys moved that at least a Committee
might be appointed that should take charge of preparing the
Lawes till the house mett againe. And being putt to the
house, they agreed that three Committees should be appointed ;
then every one nominating severally his 3 Committees; the
President had 46 voices, Capt: Cornwaleys had 56 voices;
Capt: Evelin 44 voices; mr Lewger 31 voices mr Snow had 5
voices; and Captaine ffleete 4 voices.
Then was it ordered that priviledge of parlamt men for their
persons should not be allowed till the next meeting of the
Then the President adiorned the house till the 26th of