10 Assembly Proceedings, January—March 1637/8.
Liber Z
Marmaduke Snow
Thomas maurice
James Cauther
william Lewis
essoyned by his brother, & admitted,
excused himselfe that he could not gett
passage, & desired to be remitted all
the former ameriaments, & was ad-
Then was propounded that the house would consider of
some lawes to be sent vp to the Lord Proprietr And the
President advised that they would chuse some Committees to
prepare the draught of them, and then the house might meete
for confirming of them; & in the meane time every one might
follow their other occasions.
So being putt to the vote how many Committees should be
appointed for that purpose, they agreed that five should be
chosen. Then was it putt to every one to name his five. And
there were tenne in election.
p. 22
The President
Capt: Cornwallis
Capt: wintour
Capt: Evelin
mr Lewger
mr Greene
Capt: ffleete
mr Snow
mr Clerke
mr Baldridge
08 J
So the 5 Committees were
The President
Capt: Cornwaleys
Capt: wintour
Capt: Evelin
mr. Snow
And because Capt: wintour was absent and sick, it was
agreed that if he could not assist at the Committee himselfe he
should name any other in his place.
Then was it considered for how long to adiorne the house.
And it was thought fitt to adiorne it till the 8th of ffebruary
following at 8 of the clock in the morning :
And because the Court was to be held in the meane time
that is to say, on the 3d of ffebruary; that therefore the privi-
ledge of parlamt should be void vntill the Court were past;
& all freemen might be arrested as if no assembly were.
And so the house brake vp.