[punished] by publick whipping and imprisonment during the
Pleasure of the Lord Proprietary or his Lieutenant or other
Governor of this Province for the time being without Bail
or Mainprize and be it also further enacted by the autho-
rity and Consent aforesaid that the Sheriff or other Offi-
cer or Officers to be from time to time authorized and appoin-
ted for that purpose of the County town or Precinct where
Every particular offence in this present act contained
shall happen at any time to be Committed and whereupon
there is hereby a forfeiture fine or penalty imposed shall
from time to time distrain and seize the Goods and estate
of every such Person so offending as aforesaid against this
present Act or any part thereof and sell the same or any
Part thereof for the full Satisfaction of such Forfeiture fine
or Penalty as aforesaid Restoring unto the party so offen-
ding the Remainder or Overplus of the said Goods or estate
after such a satisfaction so made as aforesaid

The Freemen have assented: Tho Hatton
Enacted by the Governor William Stone

An Act for punishment of such as
shall Counterfeit the Lord Proprietary
or his heirs Lords and Propertys of
this Province Great seal of this Prov.

Be it enacted by the Lord Proprietary of this
Province by and with the consent of this Assembly that
what Person or Persons soever shall presume to Counter
feit the Great Seal of the Province or the sign manual
or Lesser Seal at Arms of the Lord Proprietary of this

Source: An Act Concerning Religion, 1649, April 21.
GENERAL ASSEMBLY, UPPER HOUSE (Proceedings) MSA S 977-1, f. 359.
[Words in brackets supplied from the original recording of the law]

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