[photo, 500 North Calvert St., Baltimore, Maryland] Chair: vacancy, designee of Governor

Appointed by Governor: James D. Ball, Ed.D.; Aminta H. Breaux, Ph.D.; Antonio W. Campbell; Roger N. Casey, Ph.D.; Kathleen S. Causey; Andrea E. Chapdelaine, Ph.D.; Joanne M. Drielak; Jeffrey W. Ferguson; Sara Cohen Fidler, Esq.; Susan Jackson Getty, Ed.D.; Heather K. Lageman; Megan K. Leach; Sandra M. Quick; Daniel A. Sereboff; Sharon Slear, Ph.D.; Thomas P. Sullivan; Frank S. Voso; Joshua B. Williams; Robert W. Willoughby; Patricia C. Ziff; nine vacancies.

Appointed by Senate President: Nancy J. King; one vacancy.

Appointed by House Speaker: Anne R. Kaiser; one vacancy.

500 North Calvert St., Baltimore, Maryland, February 2004. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

Ex officio: vacancy, designee of Governor; Harry Coker, Jr., Secretary of Commerce; Portia Y. Wu, Esq., Secretary of Labor; Carey M. Wright, Ed.D., State Superintendent of Schools; Sanjay K. Rai, Ph.D., Secretary of Higher Education; Catherine J. (Cassie) Motz, Esq., Chair, Maryland Higher Education Commission; Jay A. Perman, M.D., Chancellor, University System of Maryland; Rachael Stephens Parker, Executive Director, & Carim Khouzami, Chair, Governor's Workforce Development Board.

Staff: Michael L. Harrison

c/o Office of Secretary, Maryland Department of Labor
500 North Calvert St., Baltimore, MD 21202 - 3651
(410) 230-6008

Annual Report to Governor & General Assembly due Dec. 15.

Biennial Report to Governor & General Assembly on progress of implementing college & career readiness & college completion strategies due Dec. 1, 2014 & every 2 years thereafter (Chapter 533, Acts of 2013).

In October 2007, the P-20 Leadership Council of Maryland was initiated by the Governor (Executive Order 01.01.2007.20). In July 2010, the Council was established as the Governor's P-20 Leadership Council of Maryland by statute by the General Assembly (Chapter 191, Acts of 2010). "P-20" refers to a system of education that encompasses preschool through graduate studies, and ensures that students from an early age are learning the necessary skills for a competitive workplace.

To make the State more competitive in securing and maintaining business and economic development, the Council investigates ways to improve education, and advance workforce creation. The Council also ensures that college and career readiness, and college completion strategies for Maryland students are implemented (Code Education Article, sec. 24-801).

In 2016, the Council formed seven work groups to focus on: At-Risk Students; College and Career Readiness Implementation; Maryland College and Career-Ready Standards (MCCRS)/PARCC; GED and Adult Education; Maryland Longitudinal Data System; Teachers Induction and Retention; and Workforce Development.

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