![[photo, James G. Crouse, State Delegate]](/msa/mdmanual/06hse/images/i006171a.jpg)
Democrat, District 36, Cecil, Caroline, Kent, Queen Anne's and Talbot Counties
Member of House of Delegates, August 7, 2001 to January 8, 2003. Member, Commerce and Government Matters Committee, 2001-03 (ethics & election laws subcommittee, 2002-03).
Town Commissioner, Town of Elkton, 1974-78. Mayor, Town of Elkton, 1978-98. Member, Maryland Criminal Justice Coordinating Council, 1983-87; Criminal Justice Information Advisory Board, 1992-96; State Roads Commission, 2000-01; Maryland Transportation Commission, 2000-01. Member, Board of Elections, Cecil County, 2013-.
Born in Mayfield, Kentucky, April 17, 1945. LaSalle University, B.S. (business management), 1987; American College of Healthcare Executives, diploma, 1994. Served in Maryland Army National Guard, 1963-69. Director, People's Bank of Elkton, 1990-95. Vice-President for Development, Union Hospital, Elkton, Maryland, 1996-2000 (purchasing agent, 1973-77; director, materials management, 1977-85; director, support systems, 1985-89; vice-president, support services, 1989-96). Executive Director, Elkton Alliance, Inc., 2000-05-. Vice-President, NBRS Financial Bank, 2005-15. First Vice-President, Maryland Municipal League, 1982. Member, American Legion Post no. 15, Elkton; Veterans of Foreign Wars. Past president, Greater Elkton Jaycees. Baseball coach, Elkton Little League; football coach, Cherry Hill Cougars. Outstanding Young Marylander, Maryland Jaycees, 1978. Hall of Fame, Maryland Municipal League, 1998. Citizen of the Year, Elkton Chamber of Commerce, 1999. Member, Immaculate Conception Church, Elkton, Maryland. Two children, three grandchildren. Died in Elkton, Maryland, April 16, 2022.
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