Hall of Records Commission

for a Meeting 
at the Maryland State Archives
Electronic Classroom
12 Noon
April 28, 2004

Call to Order by the Chairman

Chairman Bell called the meeting to order at 12:19 p.m.  He welcomed everyone to the newly-named Edward C. Papenfuse State Archives Building and said that this was a well deserved honor for Dr. Papenfuse.  He also said that Del. Ted Sophocleus was instrumental in having the building named in Dr. Papenfuse's honor.

Attendees and Introduction of Special Guests

The following Commission members, alternates and staff of the Archives were present:

    The Honorable Robert M. Bell, Chief Judge, Court of Appeals and Chairman of the Hall of Records Commission
    Mr. Howard Freedlander, representing The Honorable Nancy K. Kopp, Treasurer
    Mr. R. Dean Kenderdine, representing The Honorable William Donald Schaefer, Comptroller of the Treasury
    The Honorable Thomas V. Mike Miller, President of the Senate
    The Honorable Mary A. Conroy, House of Delegates
    Ms. Pat Bruce, Aide to Delegate Mary A. Conroy
    Mr. Boyd Rutherford, Secretary, Department of General Services
    Dr. Glenn Phillips, representing Dr. Earl S. Richardson, President, Morgan State University
    Dr. Whitman H. Ridgway, representing Dr. William E. Kirwan,Chancellor, University of Maryland
    Winston Tabb, representing Dr. William R. Brody, President, The Johns Hopkins University


    Mr. Timothy D. Baker, Deputy State Archivist
    Ms. Elaine Rice Bachmann, Archivist IV, Maryland State Archives
    Ms. Kathy Beard, Executive Associate and Recording Secretary, Maryland State Archives
    Ms. Mimi Calver, Archivist V, Maryland State Archives
    Mr. Jim Hefelfinger, Photographer III, Maryland State Archives
    Mr. Van Lewis, Director, Fiscal Administration, Maryland State Archives
    Ms. Lynne MacAdam, Computer Network Specialist Manager, Maryland State Archives
    Ms. Pat Melville, Archivist V, Maryland State Archives
    Mr. Michael McCormick, Archivist V, Maryland State Archives
    Dr. Edward C. Papenfuse, State Archivist and Secretary, Hall of Records Commission
    Ms. Emily Oland Squires, Archivist V, Maryland State Archives

Reports and Minutes of Previous Meetings

Records Retention and Disposal

Old Business

Archivist's Report and Staff Activities 
     (see the Maryland State Archives Bulldog for additional details)

Dr. Papenfuse highlighted staff activities beyond the normal business of preserving records and making them accessible to the public.  Archives staff also participates in professional organizations such as MARAC (Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference).

Special Announcements

Recent Gifts and Acquisitions

Archives of Maryland On Line

Dr. Papenfuse told the Commission that any of the publication and outreach work the Archives does, including any of the archival services it performs, are all related to the Archives of Maryland Fund and the law that created this fund.  When Dr. Papenfuse talks about the Archives of Maryland On-Line, he is talking about a number of things that are being done as a result of the Archives' ability to keep and use that money for public purposes.

Education and Outreach

Forthcoming special meetings of the Commission and events of interest

Administrative and Fiscal Matters

At this time, Dr. Papenfuse turned the meeting over to Tim Baker, Deputy State Archivist.  Since Mr. Baker has been with the Archives, it has begun effectively to  manage the electronic archives.  Mr. Baker has put a tremendous amount of time and effort into following State purchasing rules and guidelines, creating master contracts for scanning images from film and paper, and upgrading computer space and facilities.

Next meeting


There being no further business to discuss, Dr. Phillips offered a motion to adjourn at 1:28 p.m., seconded by Senator Miller and unanimously approved, the Chairman concurring.

Approved by the Hall of Records Commission, November 22, 2004

                                            The Honorable Robert M. Bell, Chairman

                                            Edward C. Papenfuse, Jr., Secretary

Dr. Edward C. Papenfuse
State Archivist

Maryland State Archives

350 Rowe Boulevard
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
(410) 260-6403.

Email: edp@mdarchives.state.md.us

© Copyright Maryland State Archives