Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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51. positions on Army papers, including several branches of Stars & Stripes • Many volunteered for military government* It is held, however, by the primary source for this section that civilian officials from the State Department are mainly responsible for the toleration of Communism in Italy and Germany, Certainly the directive given to General Eisenhower on Germany reeks of the Communist influences in State and Treasury, if not higher* One of the major triumphs of Communists in .the Army was the issuance of the 74 pamphlets, called Fact Sheets or Army Talks, under the signature of Major General F. H. Osborn. While this material was classified as restricted, it was first published in the Communist sheet, In Fact (See Appendix I). Most quoted was Number 64, on Native Fascism, Much of the material in this analysis is unexceptionable, but its treatment of Communism i? definitely Party Line. By innuendo, it gives the impression that those who raise the "Red bogey" are fascists. It also leaves the impression that only fascists and Hitlerites are interested in opposing Communism, Other studies, dealing with the Soviet Union, portray, that nation in the brightest colors,' "Its avowed policy has been peace through international collective security, if possible, or strong defenses by its own efforts fcf collective security f ailed* w Among these pro- tective actions were the seizure of Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland, (Fact Sheet 53) Our informant notes that while the Fact Sheets are usually carefully phrased, the recommended reading for instructors was clearly Party Line, Earlier it was reported that in the National Convention of the Communist Party this year one of the major proposals was a strengthening "along democratic lines" of the Army Orientation System. In connection with Army administration of conquered territories, it is a propos to mention that Communists have seriously infiltrated the semi- governmental United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration* This fits in with the general policy of using relief to aid Communist groups in Europe and to bring pressure upon other groups to follow the Communist program, Herbert Lehman was quoted as stating that in an international organization of this sort, one has no right to bar Communists from positions of authority, Lehman decided to deal with the Lublin government long before his own govern- ment recognized this Soviet sponsored group. The UNRRA representative in Poland is a Soviet official. Abuses in the organization have caused serious comment in government circles. Another group close to the Army is the corps of scientists doing special work for the Army, especially the group working on the atomic bomb project. Of necessity, several of this group who were close to the Communist Party were used because of their specialized abilities. Many more have been subject to the usual blandishments lavished by the Party on naive scientists, who are highly flattered by these attentions. Scientists are invited to the Soviet Union, and impressed with the attention given to their fellows by a socialist government. Like many specialists, they are narrow and politically naive, The result is that agitation for the universal dissemination of scientific information, particularly about atomic fission and its military uses, finds fertile fields in their midst. This explains the manifesto of the Los Alamos scientists, issued in the names of four hundred who worked on nuclear energy, as well as other statments issued by university groups. Of course, this writer is not so cynical as to hold that no scientist may develop an independent