Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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Facts and Recommendations
Rev. John P. Cronin, S .S .
A Confidential Study for Private Circulation

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fl 49. . . COMKDNISM AND THE PUBLIC office in the Daily Worker than from his own subordinates. It is not known whether such left-wingers as Michael Greenberg and Allan Rosenberg will be re- tained by the State Department. It is reliably reported that Communists were heavily represented in the legal staff of the Office of Price Administration, particularly the New York office. Many of the difficulties of the OPA, and the charges of regimentation and impracticality, sprung from this group. It was hostile to business and in- clined to regulate without consultation. This group likewise will soon bp moving. Communists have infiltrated many of the so-called "old-line" agencies. At the moment their greatest objective is the State Department. The recent publicity given to the arrest of six persons in connection with the theft of State Department documents dramatizes this situation. It is known that air- tight evidence was secured against this group. In view of this, an interesting question arises about the dismissal of three charges and the acceptance of a reduced plea in another case. Possibly the Justice Department is not free from influence from left-wing sources. It is known that persons of leftist views have been in the Immigration and Naturalization J3ivision of this Department", in- cluding Sol Rabkin, Jose Espinosa, Jerre Mangione. II. S. Gilfond. and Anthony J. 'Marcus~. In the "state Department, the most influential Communist .has been_Alger HissT Archibald McLeish has aided their propaganda policy.John Carter Vincent has instigated many of the attacks on McArthur, with Dean Acheson merely de- ceived into following a Communist policy. Other names to note in the State Department include: Rowena Rommel, Emile Despres, and Benjamin Gerig. It is not known whether the Communists who were singled out in the Office of Strategic Services will go over into the State Department. It is unlikely that after the publicity given them many of them t/ill be retained. Other of the older agencies which have been infiltrated include Labor, the National Labor Relations Board, the War Labor Board, and the Budget. In this category, the best known names are those of Nathan VJitt and Edwin S. Smith, both released from the National Labor Relations Board. Before they left, how- ever, they were able to bring in enough Communists to cause the agency consider- able trouble. In the Labor Department, this writer does not know of Communists in policy-making positions. It is known that many subordinates do belong to the Party. More dangerous, however, is the gullibility or left leanings of im- portant officials in the Budget Bureau, including Wayne Coy, Assistant Director, and Messrs Schwarzwalder and Cooper. A surprising fact .is the mild infiltration of Treasury, a rather stable department. Harry D. VJhite, assistant secretary, was named as close to the Party in an affidavit by a former Party Member, and was asserted to have in- troduced Harold Glasser, Frank Coe, and others into the Treasury Department. It is to be noted that from Treasury came the notorious Mbrgenthau plan for Germany, and the ideas which served as the basis for the Potsdam plan for re- ducing Germany to virtual anarchy. In Congress, those who follow the Communist Line most closely are Vito Marcantonio, of New York; Hugh DeLacy, of Washington; Adam Clayton Powell (not completely controlled), of Nev; York; and possibly Ned R. Healy, of California. There are others who may be used for particular situations, such as Senator Pepper of Florida, but who are basically liberal rather than fellow travelers. John Coffee, of Washington, is also a reliable ball carrier for the Communist team.