"What is History?"

JHU 450.756


Seminar Roster


How do historians evaluate evidence and draw conclusions about the past? How persuasive is the thesis of Simon Schama's Dead Certainties that "the asking of questions and the relating of narratives need not ... be mutually exclusive forms of historical representation," and that history ultimately must be "a work of the imagination"? After probing these and other issues, and writing their own 'histories' based upon the document packets, students focus on Allen Weinstein's Perjury: The Hiss-Chambers Case to discuss whether historians can ever determine "the truth" no matter how rich the evidence. For the reference to the above graphic click here.
Students are required to read and analyze two books and two document packets:

Simon Schama, Dead Certainties New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1991,

"Captain Berry's Will, 1784" a document packet,

"Is Baltimore Burning?" a document packet on the meaning, legality, and consequences of rhetoric, 1964-1968,

Allen Weinstein, Perjury. The Hiss Chambers Case. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1978.

All reading should be completed according to the schedule and in advance of class discussion. There will be one research paper of 20-25 pages due at the end of the semester answering two questions, was Alger Hiss guilty of perjury and was Alger Hiss guilty of treason?  In answering the questions you may assume the voice of a key participant in the events or write as an  historian today attempting to provide an unbiased and balanced account.

For example you  could be  Alger Hiss (see: Recollections of a Life,1988), Donald Hiss, Whittaker Chambers (see Witness, 1952), Priscilla Hiss),  Earl William Allen Jowitt (The Strange Case of Alger Hiss,1953), Alistair Cooke (A Generation on Trial,1952), Meyer Zeligs (Friendship and Fratricide,1967), or John Chabot Smith (Alger Hiss: The True Story,1976). I also would be amenable to students assuming the perspective of any other person directly connected with the case if the choice is made and discussed before we end the discussion of Perjury. The final paper will be due the last night of class which will be held at our house, 206 Oakdale Road, Baltimore. At that class, as a final exam, students will be expected to present their conclusions orally, engage in a spirited defense of their assumed points of view, and rate each other's presentations anonymously. Because the Weinstein book is out of print I will make it available in searchable text formaton my web site or on CD.

The final paper is to be submitted on disk as well as on paper. The syllabus and most reading materials are available on WEB at teachers.md.. This course is intended to be an introduction to the resources and tools for history available on the internet and the World Wide Web, as well as a reflective exercise on the meaning of history.

  • Wednesday  (January 24) Distribution & discussion of syllabus; distribution and discussion of
  • Wednesday  (January 31)  Read and
  • Wednesday (February 7)
  • discussion of Schama, pp. 73-170
  • Wednesday (February 14)
  •  discussion of Schama and the Webster Case, pp. 171-273.
  • Wednesday (February 21),   Continue discussion of Schama, pp. 274-326,  discuss reviews, visit ecpclio.net (shama/ shama!)- review there as much of the transcript of the trial as you can, and visit the links.
  • Wednesday (February 28) , begin discussion of Captain Berry's Will.
  • Wednesday  (March 7), Continue discussion of Captain Berry's Will
  • NO CLASS ON 3/14/01
  • Wednesday (March 21), begin discussion of Is Baltimore Burning?
  • Wednesday (March 28), Continue discussion of Is Baltimore Burning?
  • Wednesday (April 4), Complete discussion of Is Baltimore Burning?
  • Wednesday (April 11),  Begin viewing John Lowenthal, The Trials of Alger Hiss 165 min., released 1980, ISBN -1-55974-239-9.
  • Wednesday, (April 18)  Finish viewing Lowenthal & Begin discussion of Weinstein, parts 1 & 2, pp. 1-266.
  • Wednesday,  (April 25) Continue discussion of Weinstein, parts 3 & 4, pp. 267-502.
  • Wednesday, (May 2)  Complete discussion of Weinstein, part 5 & Appendix, pp. 503-592.
  • Wednesday,  (May 9) Last class held at Papenfuses. Final paper due. Short (5-7 minute) oral presentations of the argument in the final essay.

    The final paper is worth 70 points.  Class participation is worth 20 points.  Oral presentation of your argument in the final paper is worth 10 points.

    A=90-100 points; B=80-89 points; C=70-79 points; D=60-69 points; F= anything less than 60 points.

    NOTE: The direct quoting of someone else's work (anything more than a phrase or two) without using quotation marks and citing the specific source of the quote (author, title, edition, and page) will not be tolerated and will result in an automatic 'F' on the assignment. Adopting an author's point of view is not considered plagiarism as long as the source is identified by some form of annotation of your text (i.e. footnotes, Turabian short form; note on sources at the end of your essay or review, or some other format approved in advance by the instructor). 

    ©Dr. Edward C. Papenfuse (instructor)
    State Archivist

    Office Hours by appointment
    Phone: (o) 410-260-6401; (h) 410-467-6137

     Internet Address: edpapen@flash.net

     Last update: 24 October 2000