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Tip: To use all these apples: +apple pie tart cookie torte muffin

Word count: subway:55895, underground:220471, london:847570

Documents 11-20 of about 30000 matching some of the query terms, best matches first.

Pictures of works from Guimard
Guimard's works for the Metropolitain. Metro (abreviate for Metropolitain) is the French name of the subway or underground. Guimard has been chosen to...
http://icg.stwing.upenn.edu/~vbell/metro.html - size 1K - 6 Jun 95

SKIS Project Home Page
This Page is Under Construction. LOST IN THE UNDERGROUND SUBWAY MAZE? Don't worry: SKIS is here! SKIS (Subway Kiosk Information System) is a long term...
http://fstc.poly.edu/polytech/sproj/skis/home.html - size 2K - 19 Apr 96

About Andy's
About Andy's. Andy's 11 E. Hubbard (312) 642-6805. Directions: Andy's is in the loop, near the Washington stop on the State Street Subway, the underground...
http://www.studorg.nwu.edu/artperf/music/clubs/andys.html - size 636 bytes - 3 Jul 95

Yonge & Bloor
Bloor St. facing east on Yonge. Yonge & Bloor is generally considered to be the heart of downtown Toronto, being the major intersection of the two...
http://www.toronto.net/toronto/virtual/y&b.htm - size 2K - 17 Apr 96

London Underground Case Study
London Underground. Topics Addressed. Probability Models and Normal Approximations. Engineering. There are a number of different subway lines in London,...
http://www.stat.ucla.edu/practice/case-studies/london/ - size 3K - 20 Apr 96

Railroad Information
Rail Maps and Schedules. London Underground Map. London Underground Trip Planner. Paris Infoincluding Metro/RER maps. The New York City Subway System. The...
http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/kw10009/rail.html - size 1K - 1 Jun 95

Subway Series #2: Human Nature Underground
Subway Series #2: Human Nature Underground. by Steven Hill. I usually pass my time on the commute home from work by people-watching. You know, studying...
http://www.igc.apc.org/enVISION/subway2.htm - size 8K - 11 Apr 96

Underground Structures
check out the World Wide Subway Navigator. - size 395 bytes - 11 Aug 95

No Title
Underground Nature French insect lovers fear that efforts to clean up the Paris subway endanger the crickets who have thrived in the warm, dark tunnels...
http://www.tdo.com/break/morgue/ - size 4K - 18 Apr 96

Join the "Underground"
JOIN THE "UNDERGROUND" BECOME A TRANSIT MUSEUM VOLUNTEER. Located in an authentic subway station built in 1936, the New York Transit Museum is a...
http://www.nytransit.com/nytm/voluntee.html - size 3K - 14 Jun 95

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