Andor D. Skotnes, The Black Freedom Movement and the Worker's Movement in Baltimore, 1930-1939, Rutger's PhD, 1991,
Image No: 143
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Andor D. Skotnes, The Black Freedom Movement and the Worker's Movement in Baltimore, 1930-1939, Rutger's PhD, 1991,
Image No: 143
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143 demonstration in Baltimore was among the most placid in the U.S. Nonetheless, the Baltimore Communist Party was probably not disappointed. A Baltimore party spokesperson had previously predicted 500 participants in the demonstration, and this number may well have been attained. This was Baltimore, the border city, with a relatively weak labor and socialist tradition, and the party had put itself on the political map. Additionally, there is evidence that participation in party activities grew significantly in the aftermath of March 6. What was definitely not disappointing to the party about the March 6 demonstration, and what came to be common in the CP's ensuing unemployment efforts, was its interracial character. Blacks were, it was reported, a "high percentage" of the march, for the party had made a particular effort to draw African Americans into the demonstration. Before proceeding to City Hall, the march looped through the predominantly Black blocks of Northwest Baltimore, where many African Americans spectators looked on. Among the placards protesting unemployment in general, the demonstrators carried signs raising special demands against racial oppression. At the final rally, and Black speakers addressed the crowd. In border-state Baltimore, particular notice was taken of the demonstration's interracial character. Baltimore authorities took the Unemployed Day demonstration very seriously. In fact their strong reaction to the demonstration helped draw attention to it and gave the party credibility as a force to be reckoned with. Apart from the incredibly heavy police presence, there were a number of other telling incidents in this regard. In the absence of the mayor, three high city officials waited in City Hall to meet with a delegation from the demonstration; one wore a red rose, one wore a red carnation, and one wore a red handkerchief and tie. Later, when questioned by the press, the three claimed their red garnishments were a coincidence, a claim that, given the level of official apprehension, is hard to credit. And with or without the red garnishments, the demonstrators decided not to send a delegation to meet