New York Globe report of the Webster Case, 1850,
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New York Globe report of the Webster Case, 1850,
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'~8 ment made by me to Mr. Andrews, in writing, was made in a hurry, and I told Mr. Andrews at the time that I could not swear t~-, it. Forty-third witness-aAMUEL A. 'WENTWORTH, sworn.-I dine in Vine street • arri a provision dealer in Lynde street ; I have known Dr. P. for two years ; saw him last on Friday, the 23d November, 18-19, in Court street, at from half past 2 to half-past 3 o'clock • I fixed the time from the fact that I ate my dinner at 1 o'clock, and my boy had gone away, and was half an hour later. I had been to dinner, and was going down to Haymarket Square ; met him near the head of Sudbury street, and opposite Mrs. Kidder's medi- cine shop ; he stopped as I passed along, and turned round facing the street. He had his hand behind him under his coat-tail, and stood looking up to the houses on the opposite side ; he was going toward Bowdoin Square when I first saw him; I fix the date of seeing Dr. .P. from the fact that when I went home on Saturday night at half-past 10 o'clock, my wife told me that two men had been to the house to look for Dr. P. Cross-examined. -I mentioned the fact to a lady who was at the house, and 1~Iso to a gentleman named Foster ; a gentleman was with me by the name of J. H. Russel at the time ; he does not recollect the day, though he remembered the fact of seeing Dr. P. while with me ; went down to Haymarket Square, and from thence to the market to buy my marketing for Saturday ; am sure this was on Friday, because I never buy my marketing for Saturday on any other day than Friday: Forty-fourth witness-SAMUEL CLELAND, called and sworn.-Live in Chelsea ; do business at No. 26 South Market street ; have known Dr. J. Parkman since 1839 ; saw him last on Friday, the 23d Novem- ber, between 3J and 31J o'clock, P. M., between Milk and•Franklin streets ; I fix the day and hour from the fact that I was going to call on the Rev. Gen. Wildes, whom I always call upon at 3 P M., when I do call upon him, who boards at No. 18 Franklin street, in order to get him to officiate at our Church on the next Sunday ; I had sent notes on Friday morning to several individuals, in order to obtain an individual to preach at our Church ; my boy was unable to find several of the persons to whom I had addressed notes, and he returned them, and I threw them into the desk ; thdse notes I now have with me here ; I went out when my boy returned to find Mr. Wildes, and on the way called on several ot,herpersons, and in going ur Washington street, I saw Dr. P. at a little distance ahead, walking, as I thought with a laboring man ; and the reflection struck me at the time that Dr. P. should be walking at that hour of the day with a laboring man; came up with him and discovered that he passed a laboring man instead of being walking with him, Cross-examined-Have mentioned this to my partner and Mr. Knapp, clerk of the police court. He (Mr. K.) told me that he had been seen at a later hour than that on Friday, and 1 thought no more about it. ' f saw the notices of the family of Dr. P., but as I had been told that Dr. P. had been seen after the time I saw him, I did not think the information I possessed in the subject to be of any importance, or I should have communicated it before to the familv of Dr. P. Mr. Cleland was recalled just as he was leaving the stand, and produced the letters, by the date of which he fixed the time of meeting Dr. P. Forty-fifth witness-Lucius R. PAGE, called.-Am City Clerk of Cambridge ; on Sunday after the disappearance of Dr. P., Pro. W. came to my house to see if Dr. P. had discharged the mortgage on his, W.'s personal property ; Prof. W. went away ~ I was away at the time, but after I came back, I looked at the mortgage and found that it had not been discharged. The cross-examination ofthis witness declined. Forty-sixth witness-ABBY D. RHODES, sworn.-1 live in Minot street ; have been acquainted with Dr. Parkman 25 years • attend Dr. Francis arkman's church • I saw Dr. George Parkman the last time on Friday, the 23d of November last, at a quarter before 5 o'clock, on the corner of Green street and Lyman place • I passed by very near him, and we bowed to each other as we passed ; my daughter was with me when I met him ; Dr. P. had a man with him at the time ; I fix the dayfrom the fact that my daughter went home with me on that day, which she seldom did; I bought some goods of Mr. Hovey on that day, and I find by referring to Mr. Hovey's books, that the goods are charged to me in part on that day, Fri- day, November 23d ; 1 was so sure of this, that I have mentioned it to Dr. Francis Parkman. My attention was called to the fact, by seeing in a paper, on Sunday, an account of the disappearance of Dr. P., my daughter went out of town on the next Saturday ; didn't return till the following Tuesday ; when she returned, she mentioned the fact to me of meeting Dr. P. in Green street ; I have the memoran- dum of the purchase of the goods on Friday, the 23d of Nov., at home, and will bring it into Court. Cross-examined.-The fact of meeting Dr. P. on Friday afternoon was called to my mind by my daugh- ter ; have felt a great interest in the matter of the disappearance of Dr. P.; never expressed any doubts on the subject of meeting Dr. P. on Friday, the 23d of November, to any one ; the mail whom I saw with Dr. P. on that afternoon, was somewhat taller than Prof. W., and somewhat stouter than Dr. P.; have called twice to see Dr. Francis Parkman on the subject of Dr. P.'s disappearance. Forty-seventh witnera-Miss MARY RHODES, sworn.-I have known Dr. P. by sight ten years ; saw him last on the 23d of November, 1849, at about quarter before 5 o'clock in the afternoon in Green street, near Lyman Place ; there was a man with Dr. P. at the timed he (Dr. P.) bowed to my mother as he passed. 1 had been shopping that afternoon, and had purchased some goods at Mr. Hovey's store in Winter street; the side walk was very narrow where we met ; I went to Lexington next day. Cross-examined. ---I heard of the disappearance of Dr. P. on Saturday, while at Lexington ; a gentle- man read the notice from a paper; 1 supposed that the notice in the paperstatedthat Dr. P. disappeared on Saturday ; on my return to Boston I mentioned the fact of meeting Dr. P. in Green street, on Friday, to my mother andbrother, am certain that I met Dr. P. on Friday afternoon and another day ofthat week; the man who was with Dr. P. at that time, was a stout man, but not so tall as Dr. P. Forty-eighth witnP33-SARAH UREENOUGH, sworn-I was not personally acquainted with Dr. P., but knew him by sight ; saw him last on Friday afternoon between Belknap and South Russell streets in Cam- bridge street, at about 10 minutes before 3 o'clock ; I fix the time of seeing Dr. P. from the fact that I had an engagement at 3 o'clock on that afternoon; I was to go to my son's in Temple street at that time, and fearing I should be too late, 1 took out my watch and saw that it was 10 minutes to 3 ; 1 saw Dr. P. just at that moment. Cross-examined.-Dr. P. was on the other side of the way, and going down towards the bridge; I didn't turn round to see which way he went; cast a glance at him in passing. Fiftieth witness-SAMUEL B. GREENE, sworn.-Am clerk for Hovey & Co., Winter street; I sold on Friday, the 23d November, 1849, eleven yards of mouselain de ]zinc, at 20 cents a yard, amounting to $2,20 ; I made a memoranum of the sale at the time; can't tell what time of the day the sale was mace. Cross-examination declined.