New York Globe report of the Webster Case, 1850,
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New York Globe report of the Webster Case, 1850,
Image No: 58
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5'X versation upon general topics; Prof. W. took active part in it; there was nothing in. his appearance which indicated anything remarkabe. After his arrest I carried my mind back to the evening of the 23d, and I could remember nothing in his appearance at the time. Cross-examined.-I saw him on Tuesday evening again, and had some conversation with him; he manil tested nothing peculiar in his behavior. At this point of the testimony, the Court adjourned to half past 3 o'clock, P. M. Afternoon l9easion: The Jury entered at half past 3 o'clock and the Court followed tt 20 minutes before 4 o'clock. Proceed- ings commenced. Thirtay-ninth witness-Dr. E. STONE, sworn. I examined the hole in the thorax; it was not a clean out; we finished our examination on Sunday; it is as easy to make a clean cut in a ded human body as it is for a butcher to make a clean cut in veal or beef. Cross-examination of this witness declined. Fortieth witness-Pr17LENA F. HATCH, sworn. Live in Vine street • have known Dr. Parkman 14 years, on Friday, the 23d November, 1849 saw Dr. P. in Cambridge street, between Blossom and North Pleasant streets; he was going towards Court st.; it was 12 or 13 min. before two o'clock when I got into the house ; I fix the date of the day from the fact that the day before (the 22d) my husband started for Vermont and the same night my sister came from Maine r I looked at the clock when I came home to see how IQ I bad been gone ; had been up the Tremont road above Dover street. Cross-examined.-Didn't notice whether Dr. Parkman turned round or not after he passed me; I men- tioned having met Dr. P. to my sister after I got home, and made allusion to his chin in order to make her laugh; I was on the Blossom-street side. Forty first witness-JOSEPH HATCH, sworn -i reside at No. 16 Vine-street; I left this city on Thursdayf the 22d day of November, and went to Vermont, and returned the 3d of ecember; the witness last on the stand is my wife. Forty-second witness-Wm. B. THovrrsoN called.-I reside in Cambridge; on Sunday night, the 25th of November, I was called to go up to Prof. W.'s house ;' I am clerk of the Registry of eeds; J went up there about 6 o'clock ; I went into the Professor's study ; he was there, and I asked hint if he could tell me at what time the mortgage was given ;. he looked into a bundle of papers that were lying on the table, and shortly remarked that it was strange he could not find the paper he sought he remarked soon afterwards that he could give me the information in another way, and afterwards he then looked in what appeared to be a journal of his daily transactions. Ile then gave me the date of a mortgage, and immediately corrected himself, and said, " but I suppose that is not the one you want;" he said that this mortgage was one on personal property, and not on real estate ; I then said, I would call on the City Clerk, and see if Dr. P. had been there to discharge the mortgage; Prof. W. said something about Dr. P.'s having been seen going over the bridge on the afternoon of Friday, and he (Webster) had boon to Mr. Page's office to see if the mort- gage had been canceled; I remarked, as I was leaving the house, I would see Mr. Page and find out if there had been any mistake in canceling the mortgage; I noticed nothing peculiar in his behavior. To the Court.-I took down the information in notes, as the Professor gave them to me; he gave me the minutes from the large mortgage first; have been acuainted with Dr. George Parkman for fire years past; I have been accustomed to see him very otten; I saw him on Friday, the-2:;d of November last, in Causeway-street, in this city, at ten minutes or a quarter past two o'clock P.M., going up toward Leverett- street ; there was a milliners shop on one side of the street, and an apothecary's shop on the other side, at the place where I met him. [Here a map of the city was produced by the Attorney-General, and exhibited to witness, who pointed out the location of the streets.] I was coming down from Leverett-street, and going to ortland-street toward Charlestown Bridge • I was on the left-hand side of the street. and howas heading up toward Leverett-street; I fix the date of this day from the fact that I paid for the coat I now wear on that day, and I had also examined the title of an estate at the Registry on that day, and was going at that time to leave it at his place of business iii India-street; i went to leave it there ; he was not in that afternoon and I came over again on Thanksgiving-day, a week afterwards; I fix the hour from the fact that when I started from Cambridge it wanted four or five minutes oT2 o'clock by my watch ; the clock on the Court-house said 2 o'clock; the first place I had to call at was at the corner of Elm and Hanaver-streets, and when I got there I looked at my watch, and it was twenty-five minutes past 2 o'clock; 1 walked into Boston ; am called a quick walker; I went down Portland to Elm and Hanover-streets after I had seen Dr. P. • he was dressed at the time in a dark frock-coat and drab pantaloons. He had his hands folded behind him, and was walking ; he appeared excited; my attention was first called to the fact on Sunday next succeeding his disappearance ; I mentioned it to Mr. Blake, City Mar- sbal. Cross-examined-Am not near-sighted • sometimes wear slightly colored glasses, because my eyes, awe somewhat weak ; copy deeds at the Registry ; copying may weaken my eyes, but does not impair my sight ; do not know the name of the first street which leads to the right, coming down Causeway front Seventh street ; by the map, 1 conclude that it is Merrimac street which turns cff to the right ; I remember a broad space near the junction of Merrimac and Causeway streets, and a planing-mill on one Aide Of the space. 1 went down Merrimac into Portland, and thence to Elm street ; I have used a magnifying glass about a week in order to read very fine writing; I never told Mr. Andrews that I could write so fine in the mes- merio state ; I never used the term '1 mesmeric state ;" never wrote any writing so fine in any state that 1 could not read in my natural state, nor did I ever say so ; I did say that I bad written writing so fine in A b a h It e le d n d h he a sea further in a biological ~v r I can t8 ak thee next Sunday, and he (Mr. clog a 8 e a 's ea k ~ et on Prof, W. on Sunday ata 0 't n w a n a a in ot r d it r. to r' B, I ned meeting t t ot r p 0 u tur st to ent 0 t th s n em tay a h d so r'he con I -ti . "it' i P ~d him th. - on Webster replied that he was Dr P. ey B'ake' e tued to think avorabl~ 0, red when h. i e in h u e then asked him ho ap e c 0 c t _ . g . - - - p eda d n r Prof ~c st.r y 1. . id t '. P _I I. agent Mr. tt. g~ s t get the money collected by hit. (~ tte b . . . tha D . had led on h Pe ' f. W.) was a d~d whelpi i s) for the sale of ticks that he had old r. P. tes that Ile (Prof. Prof. W. also to1dmethatPr. P. had used insulting expressions to him every time he met him ; the st-