New York Globe report of the Webster Case, 1850,
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New York Globe report of the Webster Case, 1850,
Image No: 34
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,, -W. 33 Q. Did you on Thursday communicate it to any one 1 A. No, except to my wife. Q. Yom swore to one knife, did you ever swear to the other 2 A. No. Q. Did the Doctor keep tools in his room ? A. Yes. Q. You stated the Doctor showed you a knife--when did you see it after ? A. I saw it in the tea-cheat. (~. Had it blood upon it ? A. I cannot recollect. Q. Did you ever see that paper [handed to witness] offering a reward ? A. I did. Q What did you do when you first saw it ? A. I went down to the College and showed it ; I saw some of them stuck up round the College in all directions. Counsel here read the notice offering the reward for the apprehension of the murderer of Dr. P. Mr. Merrill, on part of the defense. " Witness, will you permit me to ask you if you' were not in - the toll-house on the Sunday atter Dr. 1'. was missing ?" A. I was. I went over there on Sunday evening. Q. You asked the toll man if h u was the man that said he saw Dr. P. pass over on Friday ? A. I did. He said it was the young man that sail so. (l. Do you recollect saying to any one there that you saw Dr. P. go into theCollege on the Friday, and go out again ! A. I did not. I said I never saw him go in or go out. Q. Did you ever say to any one there that you saw Dr Webster pay Dr. P. money ? A. I never did. Q. Did you not say so to a gentleman named Green, who was there ? A. I did not. Q. Do you know a Mr. Green ? A. I do not. 1 don't think I do. [After some few (iuestions on the direct examination which was resumed, and some further cross-exam- ination, ofno particular import, the witness withdrew from the stand.] Troenty-seventh witness.-ANDREtv A. FOSTER called.-I am &provision dealer, in Howard- atreet, near the Howard Athenmum. I delivered a turkey to Mr. Littlefield on an order from Prof. Webster, on Tuesday afternoon, the 27th November, 1849, between 3 and 4 o'clock, P. M. ; re- ceived another at the same time, from Littlefield, signed " J. Webster," for some sweet potatoes. Cross-examined.-Mr L. came to my store some time since, and wanted to look at my books to see the order; I think he remarked that he had made a mistake in relation to the time. Twenty-eighth witness.-MRS. CARoLiNz LITTLEFIELD called.-Am wife of Ephraim Little- field; myself and husband resided in the basement-story of the Medical College; on Sunday, I gave my husband caution against communicating his suspicions of Prof. W. The defense objected to the introduction of this conversation in evidence. The Bench ruled it competent. I was standing in the kitchen at the time, and he (my husband) beckoned me to him and told me his suspicions of Prof. W. The Court ruled out the conversation of Mx. L., but admitted that of Mrs. L on that occasion. I said, " Don't for mercy's sake say so again, or mention it to anybody, for if the Professors hear of it, they will make trouble for you." I noticed that Prof. W.'s rooms were shut on Friday af- ternoon of Dr. P.'s disappearance; the Professor had asked me to get him some clean water; I sent some up soon by my little girl; she returned and said the door by the laboratory stairs was looked; I told her that she must be mistaken, for the door was always unlocked; I went up and found that the door was locked; I went several times on Saturday and Sunday, and tried the doors of the laboratory; on Monday morning I found the doors of the laboratory unlocked once. I again found them locked; I think it was the same morning that the express man left the grape vines, a box, and a bag, in our apartments; said things were never left there before; the express man used to call frequently and leave things at the College in Prof. W.'s room. He could always until this time, dater the rooms of Prof. W . ; he tried the doors in my presence; they were locked, and he said, °' You see now the doors are locked, and I can't get in;" I wanted the grape vines and tan out of the way, because the children were playing with them, and scattering them about the rooms; don't recollect now how long' Dr: Samabl Parkman stayed at the College on the day he called; don't remember exactly the time that Prof. W. came to the College on Friday morning; he said to me, " Mrs. Littlefield have you heard anything about Dr. P. ?' I replied no; be then repeated the story dfa woman seeing a large bundle put into a cab, &c, ; Mr. Littlefield said there were so many stories told that I don't know what to believe; Prof. W: was not present when Mr. L. said this; it was mentioned by my husband that he was digging in the wall on Thursday; I think he had been to work about an hour when he came up a,3ain; on Friday my husband went to work again in the cellar; the doors were lbck~*; and I was ordered, by my husband, to knock four times on the floor if Prof. W. came; I thought that I saw Prof. W. and knocked for my hus- band; he (Mr. L.) came up; I found I had mistaken the person of Mr Kingsley for Prof. W.; my husband went out, and while he was out, Prof. W. came in; Prof. W. took the grape vine, bag and bundle, arid set them in his laboratory; he shortly afterwards went out and saw him talking with police officers; my husband came in some time afterwards, and went down to work again; in about an hour he came up again. Q., How did he Mr. L., appear when he came up out of the cellar? A.-He looked dreadfully. Defense objected to this testimony, but the Bench sustained it. I never saw him look so before; he seemed very much affected, he burst out crying ; I said to him- Attorney-General.-You need not repeat the conversation. Witness-Well, then, I cannot say anything [At this reply the members of the bar laughed ' hearttly, and the witness joined in the merriment.] My husband ordered the doors to be all locked, and went out; Mr. TenhOlme came in, and I got a key and unlocked the cellar door to let him go down; he went down, and shortly afterward came up, saying there was no mistake about it; my husband returned with Dr. Bigelow and several others; I never saw any bed elothes left at the laboratory by the express man. 3